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Problematyczna interwencja. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Brooklyn, New York — On October 27, 2023, New York City Police Officers responded to a 911 call of a male with a firearm at Neptune Avenue in West 20th Street within the confines of the 60th Precinct. Bodycam shows an officer open the passenger-side door of a car while a 34-year-old man is sitting there with his hand on a gun. The officers shouted for the man to drop the gun before one officer pulled him out of the vehicle. As several officers tried to remove the gun from the suspect's hand, a shot was fired. No one was injured and the officers were eventually able to get the gun away from the man and take him into custody. Officials reveal that the person who was disarmed, shot a female at an earlier point.
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
flejtuch • 2023-11-29, 8:47
Jak małpa miała klamkę to od razu odjebać w czynie społecznym

pan policjant to jest fachowiec...
Najlepszy komentarz (26 piw)
bercisko • 2023-11-28, 10:04
edek_kotek napisał/a:

Adrenalina pomogła trupowi przebiec z 50m

Potem Pan Kręgosłup powiedział do Pana Mózgu, że ni chuja, kończy przewodzenie impulsów nerwowych. Za to Pan Krwotok Wewnętrzny wszedł na pełnej kurwie jak do siebie
Wprawdzie widać kawałek dupy i pindola przez sekundę, ale według mnie do harda to temu daleko. Niemniej, jeśli administracja uzna, że jednak materiał z wyżej wymienionych względów nie powinien znajdować się w poczekalni / na głównej, to proszę o przeniesienie do odpowiedniego działu.
Czarnuszek dyskutuje z policją w jedyny znany mu sposób.

Czyli nasrał sobie na łapę i atakował funkcjonariusza. Jak kurwa kijek umorusany w psim gównie w podstawówce w latach 90. Na szczęście policjant też czarny, więc może sprawę olać: "maseczki" nie widać, a śmierdzi jak śmierdział.
ukryta treść
Według lewaków to pewnie artystyczny performance brązowego księcia, artysty, inżyniera, kardiochirurga i filozofa w jednym. Zaprosić go do Europy i dać socjal minimum 10 000 zł. miesięcznie. To i tak niewiele biorąc pod uwagę to, ile taka persona wniesie do naszej cywilizacji, jak ją rozświetli i ubogaci! Takich ludzi nam trzeba! Zamawiajmy odrzutowiec!
Wdawanie się w strzelaninę z policją to bardzo zły pomysł. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Brooklyn, New York — On November 10, 2022, at approximately 10:10 p.m. 42-year-old Jermaine Hickson was involved in a dispute with another person inside of an apartment during which time he discharged a firearm. There were no injuries. Following the dispute, Hickson left the location and walked to the corner of West 36th Street and Neptune Avenue. While en route to that location, on West 36th Street, Hickson again discharged one shot from his firearm in the direction of two civilians, which also resulted in no injuries. As a result of Hickson discharging the firearm, several civilian witnesses called 9-1-1 to report his actions. Audio of the 911 call follows. At approximately 10:18 PM, Police Officer Frein and Police Officer Rossiter, attired in uniform and driving a marked NYPD vehicle, arrived at the intersection of West 36th Street and Neptune Avenue.

At the same time, Police Officer Tatar and Police Officer Petronis, attired in uniform and driving an unmarked NYPD vehicle, while travelling on West 36th Street toward Neptune Avenue were directed toward the intersection of that location by civilian witnesses. As Police Officer Frein and Police Officer Rossiter arrived at the intersection of West 36th Street and Neptune Avenue, Hickson, from the southwest sidewalk, began to discharge shots at the officers. Ballistic evidence recovered from the scene revealed that Hickson discharged at least seven shots from his firearm. In response, Police Officer Frein discharged eight shots from his service firearm, and Police Officer Rossiter discharged twelve shots from his service firearm.

As these events unfolded, Sergeant Geovani Sanchez and Police Officer Khurram Zubair, attired in uniform and utilizing an unmarked NYPD vehicle arrived at the location. During the exchange of gunfire, Sergeant Sanchez discharged one shot from his service firearm. In addition, as Hickson opened fire on Police Officer Frein and Police Officer Rossiter, Police Officer Tatar and Police Officer Petronis arrived at the location. During the exchange of gunfire, Police Officer Tatar discharged ten shots from his service firearm. Hickson was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground unconscious. Following lifesaving measures by the officers, Hickson was pronounced deceased at the scene. Hickson's firearm, a Century Arms - Canik TP9 Elite 9MM, was recovered at the scene of the incident during this investigation.
Emerytowany policjant
CrazyEdek • 2023-11-22, 17:53
I zuchwali złodzieje. Akcja od 01:13.

Najlepszy komentarz (68 piw)
smc • 2023-11-22, 18:24
Czegoś innego się spodziewałem...