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San Francisco, California — On Monday, October 9, 2023, at approximately 3:09 p.m. San Francisco Police Officers responded to the area of Geary Blvd. and Laguna St. on a report of a vehicle that crashed into a building. The suspect identified as 31-year-old Zhanyuan Yang, rammed a car into the visa office of the Chinese consulate. San Francisco Police Acting Commander Mark Im said Zhanyuan Yang, stood against a wall hiding a knife in his right hand.

He says Yang then rotated toward a police sergeant and the security guard, exposing the knife and made "multiple, rapid, downward swinging motions with the knife towards the direction of the sergeant and the security guard." The officer then opened fire after Yang allegedly failed to comply with orders to get on the ground. Yang was taken to a hospital, where he died. A 911 caller reported to police dispatchers that Yang was armed with gun, though officers never found a firearm. They did however find two .40 caliber fired cartridge casings. A crossbow was found in his car, police said. Authorities have not revealed a possible motive for why Yang drove into the visa office.
Ładnie mu się odkleiło. Źródło i link do całości.

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Sparks, Nevada — On May 4, 2020, shortly before 8:00 pm, 36-year-old Ronal Adalberto Zendejas (hereinafter “Zendejas”) entered the office of Motel 6, located at 2405 Victorian Avenue in Sparks, Nevada, and rented a room for one night. For unknown reasons, his demeanor was rude and aggressive, and the front desk manager recognized that he was drunk. After renting the room, he punched the plexiglass separating the lobby and employee areas, and then punched the office window as he left. Shortly thereafter, Zendejas returned to the office and was angrier than he was before, but then left again. Just minutes later, Zendejas followed the general manager into the office, this time armed with a running chainsaw. The general manager retreated behind the counter, and Zendejas used the chainsaw to cut through the swinging half-door which separates the lobby and employee areas. The front desk manager took cover in the employee bathroom, while the general manager went into his apartment, which was connected to the office. Zendejas, who was still armed with the chainsaw, then entered the employee area.

Zendejas ultimately left the office and went to room number 102, which was next to the office. He contacted the occupant of that room, and swung the chainsaw towards him, causing the occupant to take evasive measures. During this dangerous interaction, Zendejas cut the door and door handle to room number 102. As these attacks were taking place, two calls were placed to 911 at approximately 8:08 pm, and Sparks Police Department (hereinafter “SPD”) officers responded, with Officers Thomas Radley (hereinafter “Officer Radley”) and Adrian Berumen (hereinafter “Officer Berumen”) being the first two to arrive. Once these officers arrived, people on-scene pointed to Zendejas, who was then sitting in his blue Honda Accord parked in the Motel 6 parking lot. The officers, who were dressed in full police uniforms, approached Zendejas, verbally identified themselves as police, and ordered him to stop and show his hands. Zendejas ignored their commands and rapidly reversed, and then drove out of the parking lot at a high rate of speed.

As he fled, Zendejas drove across all travel lanes of Victorian Avenue, over a curb, struck a metal street sign, and stopped on landscaping rocks. Officers Radley and Berumen chased after Zendejas, and Officer Berumen repeated his commands to stop the car, but Zendejas again refused to comply. Instead, Zendejas reversed his vehicle, dragging the street sign with it, struck Officer Berumen’s patrol vehicle, and crashed rear-end into the wall of a nearby car wash. Officers Radley and Berumen, recognizing the serious threat Zendejas presented to them and the public, continued to chase after Zendejas. As they got closer, Officer Radley again ordered Zendejas to show his hands and stop, but Zendejas began driving away from the car wash at a high rate of speed. Officer Radley, followed by Officer Berumen, responded by firing their duty handguns towards Zendejas. As the gunfire subsided, Zendejas’ vehicle drove into a parking lot next to a smog shop and crashed front-end into a wall. Additional officers arrived, approached the vehicle, and removed Zendejas from the driver’s seat. Zendejas did not survive the incident, and a subsequent autopsy found the cause of his death to be multiple gunshot wounds.
Według źródła rodzina smolucha jest oburzona działaniami policji. Źródło i link do całości.

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Camden County, Georgia — On Monday, October 16th, 2023, at approximately 7:30 a.m., a Camden County Sheriff's Office Deputy pulled over 53-year-old Leonard Cure as he drove along Interstate 95 near the Georgia-Florida line for speeding over 100 mph and Reckless Driving. The deputy immediately started yelling for him to get out of the truck. Cure gets out and said he wasn’t going to do anything. Cure asked if there was a warrant for his arrest. The deputy again tells him to put his hands behind his back or he will be tasered. He also tells Cure that he was being arrested for going over 100 mph and reckless driving. Cure gets tasered and while the deputy is asking him to put his hands behind his back, Cure starts swinging his arms and the two begin to fight.

Cure then appears to have one hand on either the deputy’s throat or his mouth and the other on his back. The deputy Tased Cure a second time and used a baton before pulling out the gun and firing one shot into Cure’s stomach. Cure hit the ground, and the deputy said “shots fired!” over the radio and called for more officers. At least a dozen paramedics and officers arrived on the highway shoulder within minutes. Several first responders gave Cure chest compressions for minutes before they loaded him into an ambulance. In 2020 Cure was released from a Florida prison after he was wrongfully convicted of armed robbery in 2004. He was sentenced to life in prison, but authorities reviewing his case in 2020 concluded he didn’t commit the crime. Cure was awarded $817,000 for his wrongful incarceration.
Najlepszy komentarz (29 piw)
PabloSkills • 2023-10-19, 11:04
Policjant nie chcial go odjebać. Każdy inny dawno z niego zrobiłby sito.
Według źródła sięgała po strzelbę. Źródło i link do całości.

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Memphis, Tennessee — On March 18, 2023, Shelby County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Jaime Higgins and Terenzo Radcliff pulled over 43-year-old Melissa Horton after receiving information from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office that she had attempted to shoot her fiancé. The deputies commanded Horton to get out of her car but instead she lifted a shotgun and pointed it toward Deputy Higgins. The deputies fired and Horton died of gunshot injuries.
Najlepszy komentarz (26 piw)
Takafura • 2023-10-19, 9:36
Policzyłem oddane strzały: 17
Z nożem kuchennym chciał pokonać policjantów. Źródło i link do całości.

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Los Angeles, California — On September 13, 2023, around 8:35 p.m., Olympic Division uniformed patrol officers responded to a radio call of a “415 Man with a Knife” on the 1200 block of South New Hampshire Avenue. Upon arrival, officers searched the area and located the suspect walking through a parking lot. As officers were setting up containment around the parking lot, they verbalized with the suspect who was armed with a large kitchen knife. After several minutes of commands, the suspect, while still armed with the knife in his right hand, ran toward officers positioned at the exit of the parking lot.

Despite additional warnings to drop the knife, the suspect refused to comply and continued running towards the officers, resulting in an OIS. The suspect was struck by gunfire, fell to the pavement, and was taken into custody without further incident. The officers requested a rescue ambulance and rendered aid to the suspect. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics transported the suspect to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased. The suspect was later identified as 35-year-old Carlos De Anda. A large kitchen knife with an approximate 8 inch blade was recovered from the scene and booked as evidence. No officers nor other citizens were injured during this incident.
Jebaniutki jeszcze chciał fikać po tym skoku. Źródło i link do całości.

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Los Angeles, California — On September 15, 2023, at around 12:09 p.m., Newton Division uniformed officers responded to a radio call of a “Hot Prowl Burglary,” located at 1100 block of East 33rd Street. Shortly thereafter, details of the call were updated, indicating that four male suspects entered an apartment, bound and gagged the victim and stole the keys to his vehicle. As responding officers arrived, two of the four suspects, later identified as Justice Lockhart and Aaron Felnoy were taken into custody without incident. The third suspect, later identified as Jeffrey Askew, was observed by the Air Unit, on the roof of the apartment building. Askew jumped off the building and landed on the roof of an adjacent single-story structure. Askew then fell from the roof of that structure and landed on a cement walkway between the two buildings. As officers approached Askew to take him into custody and render aid, he reached into his front waistband and removed what officers believed to be a firearm.

Askew then appeared to point the object in the officers’ direction, resulting in an Officer-Involved Shooting (OIS) and simultaneous deployment of a 40mm Less-Lethal Launcher. Askew was struck by gunfire and was taken into custody without further incident. Due to the unknown whereabouts of the fourth suspect later identified as Daiyann Henderson, officers carried Askew out of the immediate area, rendered medical aid, and ultimately brought him to Los Angeles City Fire Department paramedics, who were staged nearby. Askew was then transported by rescue ambulance to Los Angeles General Medical Center, where he was listed in critical but stable condition. Several minutes later, Henderson attempted to escape the perimeter by changing clothes and exiting the front of the apartment complex. He was subsequently observed by officers and was taken into custody without incident. The object that was observed in Askew’s hand at the time of the OIS, later determined to be a hammer with an overall length of 6 ½ inches, was recovered and booked as evidence. No officers or other community members were injured during the incident.