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ukryta treść
Colorado Springs, Colorado — During the morning of Thursday, August 17, 2023, the United States Marshals and Colorado Department of Corrections - Division of Parole requested the Colorado Springs Police Department's Tactical Enforcement Unit, or TEU, assist them with apprehending a wanted fugitive in Colorado Springs. The fugitive, identified as 37-year-old Benjamin Annaboli, had been observed by US Marshals and parole officers and a parking lot of a hotel in the 1700 block of Aero Plaza Drive. Annaboli was identified as a violent offender with several outstanding arrest warrants for felony criminal offenses. TEU officers went to the hotel, located a person they believed was Annaboli and attempted to arrest him.

Annaboli fled on foot, running toward the front entrance of a hotel while holding a handgun in each of his hands. As Annaboli fled on foot, a uniformed CSPD officer yelled at him to stop and that he was under arrest. Annaboli refused these commands, pointed a handgun toward another uniformed CSPD officer, and refused two loud commands to drop his gun. A CSPD canine officer also released a canine in an attempt to apprehend Annaboli, and the canine chased Annaboli, and began biting him. Annaboli attempted to fight the canine off and turn towards CSPD officers while still holding a handgun. Two CSPD officers then fired their guns at Annaboli, and the shots hit him and caused him to fall to the ground.

As the officers approached Annaboli, they observed a handgun on the pavement near him and another handgun in one of his hands. After Annaboli was struck by the gunfire officers, took him into custody and provided emergency medical care until paramedics arrived. Annaboli was transported to an area hospital, where he died from the gunshot injuries he sustained. Investigators located two handguns in the area where Annaboli was shot by police officers. The first handgun was dropped on the ground by Annaboli, and the second handgun was in his hand when police officers took him into custody.

The officers involved in this incident:
- Officer Brian Kelly, assigned as a canine handler in the specialized enforcement division. Officer Kelly has been employed by the Colorado Springs Police Department for 22 years.
- Officer Matthew Waters, assigned as a tactical officer in the specialized enforcement division. Officer Waters has been employed by the Colorado Springs Police Department for 11 years.

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Przecież to tylko kobieta
phrontch • 2023-09-08, 18:11
Brazylijscy policjanci od dawna stosują równouprawnienie

Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
Smoczoor • 2023-09-08, 20:32
co se poruchali na komendzie to ich
Stawianie oporu policji
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-05, 22:17
To niezbyt dobry pomysł w krajach Ameryki Łacińskiej. Według źródła łysy próbował pomóc ukrywającemu się u niego bandycie.
Według źródła 21-letnia Ta'Kiya Young chwilę wcześniej ukradła ze sklepu parę butelek alkoholu. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Columbus, Ohio — On August 24, 2023, Blendon Township police officers were assisting a driver locked out of her car in the Kroger parking lot on Sunbury Road. As the officers were helping, a Kroger employee pointed out to one of the officers that someone who had stolen bottles of alcohol from the store was -- at that moment -- fleeing. Store employees later reported that several suspects had been stealing items, but the other suspects had fled in other cars. However, this particular female suspects who had been pointed out to the officer, was in a Lexus sedan with no license tags parked in a handicapped spot right in front of the store.

The Franklin County Coroner identified the suspect as 21-year-old Ta'Kiya Young and confirmed she was pregnant. Young started the car. One officer approached from the driver’s side and ordered Young to stop and get out of the car. She ignored the order. Another officer came in front of the car and also ordered Young to get out of the car. Despite being ordered to get out of the car more than a dozen times, she refused to do so. Young put the car in gear and accelerated forward. The officer who was directly in the path of the oncoming car fired one shot through the front windshield. The car kept moving and officers ran after it for about 50 feet. It then came to a stop on the sidewalk outside the store.

Because the driver’s door had been locked, officers immediately broke the driver’s window so they could attend to Young and begin medical assistance. Officers also immediately called for EMS. The officer who fired the shot sprinted to his car to get a trauma kit, which he quickly employed. A passing ER doctor assisted. Young died at St. Ann’s hospital, which was the closest ER. The two officers’ names, ages and races were not immediately released. They are on paid administrative leave while the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation examines the shooting, which is standard in cases of police use of deadly force. Young was expected to give birth to a daughter in November. She also was the mother of two young sons, ages 6 and 3.
Najlepszy komentarz (41 piw)
Bart47 • 2023-09-02, 13:25
Program 'tanie państwo' w praktyce. Jeden celny strzał, a ile korzyści dla społeczeństwa...
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

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