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Według źródła gość ukradł Dodge'a bo kluczyki były w stacyjce. Źródło i link do całości.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
On January 11, 2022, Detective Kip Peterson learned that a 2018 Dodge Journey was stolen from a home and received information that John Herring was the individual that committed the theft.

On January 12, 2022, Detective Peterson received information that the stolen vehicle may be in the Marion Oaks area. K-9 Cpl. Batts responded to the area, located the vehicle, and attempted to conduct a traffic stop.

Herring, who was driving the stolen vehicle. refused to stop and attempted to flee from Cpl. Batts. In response, Cpl. Batts initiated a short pursuit which he brought to its conclusion by conducting a perfect PIT maneuver.

Herring, who did not have a valid driver’s license, was placed under arrest and transported to the Marion County Jail.

Herring has been charged with Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle, Fleeing to Elude a Law Enforcement Officer, and No Valid Driver’s License.

*Citizens, we just want to remind you to please always lock the doors of your vehicles and never leave valuables or keys inside of your vehicle.

Unfortunately, Herring was able to steal this vehicle because the doors were unlocked and the keys were inside. Do not make it easy for thieves!

Zdjęcie złodzieja:

Nożownik odjebany...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-15, 17:11
...w Karolinie Północnej. Padają jak muchy ostatnio. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A man shot by a Raleigh police officer after a crash on Interstate 440 Tuesday afternoon has died, police said Wednesday.

The man, whose name has not been released, was shot after he swung a knife at officers, Chief Estella Patterson said at a Tuesday news conference.

The State Bureau of Investigation will review the case, which is the department’s standard procedure when an officer shoots someone.

Patterson did not know how many shots were fired but said police would count the rounds fired by officers on the scene.
Załatwiony przez dresika
Macx83wwww • 2022-01-15, 1:39

Najlepszy komentarz (34 piw)
FeeGiee • 2022-01-15, 11:14
Janiol napisał/a:

To mi się podoba JEBAC policję!

A jak ci samochód zapierdolą to gdzie pójdziesz dziecko? na policje czy po "kolegów". Jebana Ameba
Nie żałowali pestek
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-14, 11:36
Nafaszerowali go solidnie. Źródło i link do całości.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The Stockton Police Department released video Wednesday of a fatal officer-involved shooting that happened last month in front of the department’s headquarters.

The shooting happened on December 8 around 8:30 p.m. in the parking lot in front of the Stockton Police Department Operations Building at 22 E. Market Street. Stockton police said they responded to reports of the suspect firing off shots in the parking lot.

Police say they got two calls about a man in the police department’s parking lot reportedly firing a gun. A total of six officers then went out through the front lobby doors to investigate.

Officers say the suspect started walking towards them and screaming. He was armed with a handgun, police say.

The video, which can be seen in full below, released on Facebook by the police department features surveillance footage, body cam footage and dispatch audio.

The surveillance footage from the building shows a shirtless man with his hand in the air firing what appears to be a gun in front of the lobby doors.

Bodycam footage captured officers demanding the suspect “get on the ground” and “let go of your gun.” at the end of the first body cam clip, the suspect is seen standing up and charging in the direction of the officers.

A different officer’s body cam captured the same moments from a different angle. Shortly after the suspect began charging toward them, the officers began firing off several shots, striking the suspect multiple times before he falls to the ground.

Police say the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. He was later identified by a San Joaquin County coroner as Angelo Weitz, 40, of Stockton.

No officers were hurt in the incident.

“Unfortunately, we’re seeing more cases like this, not just in our area — whether it be ambushes or assaults on police officers or their building or operations buildings. We’ve been seeing an increase of this really nationally and it’s extremely concerning,” Stockton Police Chief Eric Jones said in December.

The suspect’s gun was also recovered at the scene with one bullet left inside.
...i zranił funkcjonariusza zanim go odjebali. Gruba akcja z Seattle. Źródło i link do pełnej wersji.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Seattle, Washington State — The Seattle Police Department released video of the incident, showing a K9 team, an SPD patrol officer, and a patrol sergeant contacting the burglary suspect. The video shows the suspect, who was armed with a machete and a knife, fatally stabbing Police Dog Jedi before an officer opens fire, fatally striking the suspect. Around 2:45 PM, the resident of a home in the 2200 block of South Eddy called 911 and reported a man armed with a knife was breaking into their home. A K9 team arrived on the call, saw the suspect, and began pursuing him as he fled on foot. In the 6700 block of Swift Avenue South, a police dog engaged with the suspect. The suspect then fatally stabbed the dog and injured an officer in an ensuing struggle. Another officer arrived on scene and fired at the suspect, fatally striking him.
Najlepszy komentarz (54 piw)
C0C0JUMBO • 2022-01-13, 15:03
parekselans napisał/a:

Za poczęstowanie burka kozikiem, piwko

To nie była świnia typu amstaff osiedlowego dresa... To nie był też wiejski burek. Coś Ci się w głowie popierdoliło...
Szkoda psiego pogromcy patusiarni...
...z policjantami w Kazachstanie. I pyk role się odwróciły.
Najlepszy komentarz (62 piw)
nowynick • 2022-01-12, 19:31
potrafią w protestowanie trzeba przyznać....

zresztą walczą z podwyżkami, korupcją, przekrętami na ciężkie miliony, kolesiostwem, nieudolnym rządem idącym jak mu Rosjanie zagrają to mają się o co wkurwić nie to co u nas... oh wait
Rzuć nóż Ricardo
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-12, 14:32
Ricardo nie rzucił i zmarł w szpitalu. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Las Vegas police played a 911 call and showed police body camera footage of an armed burglary suspect who was fatally shot by a Metro police officer last Thursday in the year’s first officer-involved shooting.

Metro Assistant. Sheriff John McGrath held a news conference Monday afternoon to release details of the deadly Jan. 6 encounter in a southeast Las Vegas neighborhood.

Police identified Ricardo Antonio Otero, 30, as the suspect who was shot after a confrontation with police on Broadbent Boulevard, near Cherry Street.

McGrath said police received a 911 call about a burglary in progress.

“The caller stated his son Ricardo Antonio Otero was armed with a knife and attempting to break into the house,” McGrath said.

McGrath said Otero was spotted by police walking along Broadbent and when a pedestrian stop was attempted, Otero refused to listen to police, dropped his backpack, pulled out a large hunting knife, and began walking toward Officer Jason Guerra who yelled seven times for Otero to “drop the knife.”

Otero’s body-worn camera footage showed the incident unfold up until the point of the shooting.

“Otero then charged at Officer Guerra while holding the large knife in his hand. Officer Guerra discharged his duty weapon four times, striking Otero causing him to fall to the ground,” McGrath said.

Otero died at the hospital. McGrath said Otero’s father told police that his son had some mental health issues. Guerra, 40, has been with Metro since 2015.