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U nas tak powinno być - policja powinna z ledwością chronić złodziejskie kurwy z wiejskiej przed gniewem narodu.
Najlepszy komentarz (42 piw)
Manolito666 • 2021-11-29, 19:29
Najlepszy był ten mendziarz, który chronił go trzymając w jadnej ręce butelkę, a w drugiej peta
Flodzia • 2021-11-29, 16:55

Lecem dalej
Najlepszy komentarz (25 piw)
Lobo24 • 2021-11-29, 17:04
Kurwa jak ja dawno w berka nie grałem.
Policjant tylko lekko dziabnięty więc miał szczęście.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A man who was trying to get back into his home during a fire Tuesday night pulled out a knife and cut himself and a Glendale Police officer, the department said.

According to Glendale Police, the incident began when officers responded to reports of a suspicious fire near Redfield Road and 60th Avenue around 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 23.

When police arrived at the scene, they encountered a man who police say was "acting odd."

"Our officer began speaking to the individual, who was associated with the home where the fire occurred, to keep him calm," Sgt. Randy Steward said.

At one point, the man pulled out a large kitchen knife and held it "in a threatening manner to not only potentially cause harm to himself but to the emergency crews working around him," Sgt. Stewart said.

The officer ordered the man to drop the knife, but he would not comply.

"The officer seeing the potential threat to the subject he was speaking with but also to the emergency crews still there working the fire scene, deployed his taser to de-escalate the situation," Sgt. Stewart said.

The man then fell and cut himself and the officer with the knife. The man refused to allow paramedics to treat him, but he was eventually taken into custody and hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. His identity has not been released.

The officer was not seriously hurt.
Policja zrobiła z nim porządek.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Los Angeles, California — On October 13, 2021, around 5:50 a.m., LAPD Pacific Patrol Division officers responded to calls reporting the suspect, later identified as 36-year-old Carlos Arias, threatening a female family member with a knife. As officers approached the apartment where Arias and the woman were, they heard a woman yelling in distress. Fearing for the safety of the woman, they forced entry into the apartment. Inside the apartment they saw Arias armed with a knife, swinging it at the woman; at that time there was an Officer-Involved Shooting. Arias was struck by gunfire and transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased. The knife Arias was armed with was recovered at scene. The woman, later identified as Arias’ mother, was not injured an no officers were injured during the incident.
...ale miał pecha, że trafił na szybkiego policjanta.
Najlepszy komentarz (41 piw)
Tulkas • 2021-11-24, 21:50
nie dość że czarny to jeszcze rudy... dwa powody aby mu nie ufać
Od 1993 roku co najmniej przez 7 lat grupa 20 osób z Pomorza dokonywała brutalnych napadów rabunkowych w całej Polsce.

Ofiary przykuwali do kaloryfera, dlatego media okrzyknęły ich kajdankowcami.

Po latach wrócili do półświatka, uczestnicząc m. in. w strzelaninie w Wejherowie w 2009 roku.

Ostatni z kajdankowców wpadł w 2019 roku.

Gaz i taser...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-21, 19:51
...to właśnie to co oni lubią najbardziej.
Najlepszy komentarz (57 piw)
mygyry • 2021-11-21, 20:06
Liczyłem, że temu wkurwiającemu pedałkowi też zaaplikują terapię wstrząsową
Brazyliska policja...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-20, 17:28
...się nie pierdoli a okazało się, że gość miał tylko zabawkowy pistolet.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
Mzimu • 2021-11-20, 18:59
Policja wyraźnie sygnalizowała darciem mordy i mierzeniem z pistoletu, żeby starać się uwazać na to, co się bierze w ręce. A tu masz, kretyn zrobi i tak swoje.