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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie (tylko materiały z opisem) - ostatnia aktualizacja: Wczoraj 21:52


Świrus z nożem
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-10-07, 8:23
Według źródła chwilę wcześniej zaatakował własnego ojca. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Hacienda Heights, California — On September 4, 2023, at 5:34 a.m., Industry Station deputies responded to a residence in the 16700 block of Dawn Haven Road in unincorporated Hacienda Heights, regarding a call of a person who had committed an assault with a knife. Information in the call indicated a male had stabbed his father. The male was later identified as 42-year-old Robert Boozer of St. George, Utah. Upon arrival, deputies located Boozer on the front porch of a neighboring residence. Boozer was holding a large knife in one of his hands.

The deputies gave Boozer numerous commands to drop the knife. Boozer ignored the deputies’ commands and charged at them while holding the knife, at which point a deputy-involved shooting occurred. Boozer was struck by gunfire, dropped the knife, and fell to the ground. Deputies rendered first aid until the arrival of the Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedics who pronounced Boozer dead at the scene. The stabbing victim, Boozer's father, sustained multiple stab wounds to his torso and was pronounced dead at the scene. A knife, with an approximate nine-inch blade, was recovered at the scene.
Próbował się bronić
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-10-05, 8:48
W Brazylii zawsze trzeba być czujnym. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (52 piw)
Pedator • 2023-10-05, 9:05
Kurwa tam sprzedawca w monopolowym bardziej ryzykuje życie w swojej pracy niż operator Gromu w PL.
Postrzelony gliniarz
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-22, 11:06
Bycie gliniarzem w USA to niebezpieczna robota. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Louisville, Kentucky — On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at approximately 2:27 a.m., LMPD 2nd Division Officer Brandon Haley was attempting to catch up with a vehicle that had no lights on. The vehicle was traveling westbound on Kentucky Street and turned south on 40th Street where the vehicle came to rest on the sidewalk. At the beginning of the video captured on Officer Haley's dashcam, shows the taillights being activated as the car attempts to turn left onto 40th Street. Officer Haley exited his vehicle and advised that two subjects were running. As Officer Haley ran towards the vehicle, several subjects began shooting from a house on the west side of 40th Street. Officer Haley was immediately struck and fell to the ground and returned fire.

While still being shot at, Officer Haley ran to the opposite side of the street where he was met by Officer Billotto. As Officer Billotto began assessing Officer Haley's injuries, the subject or subjects began shooting at officers again. Officer Billotto returned fire and dragged Officer Haley to a safer position. Officer Billotto immediately began to relay information to responding officers while rendering aid to Officer Haley. Officer Haley was placed in a police car and transported to University Hospital with life-threatening injuries. Numerous officers responded, including LMPD's Hostage Negotiation Team, as well as SWAT. Over the course of the next several hours, five persons of interest were taken into custody and multiple guns and narcotics were seized at the scene. At this time, Officer Haley's condition has improved greatly and he is no longer in critical condition.
Dostał kilka kulek ale jeszcze miał siłę się rzucać. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Newark, New Jersey — On May 3, 2023, at approximately 8:34 p.m. Newark Police Officers responded to a 911 call that individuals had been shot inside a residence on Johnson Avenue in Newark. The investigation revealed that responding officers encountered a man leaving the residence where the two individuals had been shot. The male was observed to be discarding an item inside a nearby dumpster. A semi-automatic handgun with a large capacity magazine was located in the dumpster later in the evening.

Multiple officers chased the male, later identified as 29-year-old Everett Rand, on foot while other officers gained entry to the home on Johnson Avenue. Rand fled around the corner to the sidewalk where two officers from the Newark Police Department, Officer Steven Ferreira and Officer Ryan Castro, discharged their firearms at Rand, fatally wounding him. A handgun, not belonging to law enforcement, was recovered near Rand. When police entered the residence, they found a 27-year-old man from Newark deceased from a gunshot wound and an 8-year-old boy who had been struck by gunfire. The child was transported to University Hospital where he was later pronounced dead.