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~DMT • 2021-08-02, 9:04
Azjatycki Janosik...

Hej Ho, Hej Ho, do domu by się szło...
Najlepszy komentarz (35 piw)
Quassar • 2021-08-02, 9:12
O kurwa.... odbierają sobie tam życie jak by nic dla nich to nie znaczyło.....
Rąbanie drewna
crossdressphyxia • 2021-07-27, 14:50
Tak, udało się

Najlepszy komentarz (58 piw)
plastic • 2021-07-27, 15:03
C0C0JUMBO napisał/a:

Siekiery były znane już w epoce Kamienia łupanego, a gościu w XXI w nie potrafi z niej korzystać

jest XXI wiek, a ty nie wiesz co to jest epoka kamienia łupanego. jakie kurwa siekiery, chyba kamienie na patykach.
50 tys. lat temu ludzie potrafili zapamiętać każdą roślinę, jaka rośnie w odległości kilkunastu kilometrów od ich domu, a ty gubisz okulary w kiblu.

stary, jest XXI wiek, korzystaj z wiedzy, flintstonowie to nie był film dokumentalny
~Sunday • 2021-06-28, 20:51

Sandały ochronne
Najlepszy komentarz (42 piw)
burunduk • 2021-06-28, 21:49
Guwnojat napisał/a:

A co mają mięśnie do tego?

Dlaczego osoby takie jak Ty są takie głupie, szkoda że ten portal nie posiada wstępnego testu sprawdzającego czy dana jednostka jest zdolna do komunikacji i rozumu, UWAGA wyjaśniam typowi chodziło o to że posiada dużo siły używając "dużo mięśnia" a nie posiada nic inteligencji która odpowiada za rozumowanie otaczającego nas środowiska w sposób poznawczy osobiście i cytując jego dalej "nic rozumu"
Ex laska tuninguje samochód
~McSadol • 2021-06-09, 10:54
Widać nie ma za dużej wprawy

Najlepszy komentarz (59 piw)
wwo19994 • 2021-06-09, 11:44
Mogłoby tak odbić niefortunnie i jebnąć jej w czoło ostrzem.
~_Yarko_ • 2021-04-23, 9:47
W pewnym markecie obsługa obraziła kobietę za nienoszenie maski.
Mąż obrażonej kobiety postanowił wziąć sprawy w swoje (uzbrojone) ręce.

Najlepszy komentarz (112 piw)
N................y • 2021-04-23, 10:20
edek_kotek napisał/a:

Taki mąż to skarb

Do czasu jak zupkę przesolisz
Po prostu ubił go jak karpia na wigilię.

Tekst oryginalny: Kamalia, Pakistan
ukryta treść

A young man was axed to death during his sleep by a colleague at a bakery in Kamalia on Sunday.

Reportedly, the incident took place after the victim expressed resentment with his colleague and refused to work with him.

CCTV footage of the murder showed the killer assaulting the victim on his head and face with an axe.

Police arrested the suspect with the help of the CCTV footage and recovered the murder weapon. A case was registered against the suspect.

According to the police report, the murder took place inside Imran Bakery located in Mohalla Fazil Deewan, Jundi Waladu area of Toba Tek Singh’s Kamalia tehsil.

The victim identified as 28-year-old Muhammad Ramzan, son of Shafi, a resident of Chak No 294, had been working at the bakery for five years.

The suspect Muhammad Abbas, the son of Abdul Majeed Rahmani and a resident of Chak No 680/21GB, who also worked at the bakery, asked Ramzan to quit his job so that the two could start their own business.

On Ramzan’s refusal to quit his job, Abbas quarrelled with him and, in a fit of rage, hurled abuses at him for not starting the business with him.

After the issue cooled down, Ramzan called his close relative Asghar, the son of Noor and a resident of Chak No 714GB, for some work at the bakery.

Asghar, who worked as a craftsman, arrived at the bakery to see Ramzan.

After being exhausted from the day’s work, Ramzan went to the bakery warehouse and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the suspect Abbas came to the warehouse under the pretext of taking some goods from the bakery.

When he saw that Ramzan was sleeping, he first drank water and then picked up an axe and hit the victim on the head repeatedly. He then axed the victim in the face.

As a result of the assault, Ramzan died on the spot.

Later, the killer put a cloth over the victim’s face to cover up his crime. He again went to the warehouse, drank water and continued his work.

The video of the murder was recorded by a CCTV camera installed in the warehouse.

When Ramzan did not wake up, Asghar went to see him and found him dead.

He informed the bakery owner and they saw the footage of CCTV cameras.

They quietly informed Kamalia city police station. A police team arrived at the crime scene, detained the suspect and interrogated him. However, the suspected killer denied his involvement in the murder.

The suspect did not know that there was a CCTV camera in the warehouse, which had recorded the murder.

When he was shown the video by police, he confessed to the murder.

Kamalia city police registered a case under section 302 PPC against Abbas on the complaint of Muhammad Sarwar, brother of Ramzan. Police also seized the murder weapon.
Najlepszy komentarz (34 piw)
JaTylkonaChwile • 2021-02-09, 21:33
jebaniec ma twardy sen, jedynie po nosie sie podrapal...
Niedzielni drwale...
Halman • 2020-11-28, 8:49

używają tylko markowego sprzętu z logiem ugryzionej szyszki...
Akcja z Dublina
Don_Beck • 2020-11-03, 18:48
Opis po angielsku

"A man has been arrested in Dublin following a serious assault which another man received injuries from a hatchet.

The victim of the assault is in intensive care at the James Connolly Memorial Hospital following the incident at Kippure Park in Finglas at 3 a.m.

Gardai are questioning a man under Section Four of the Criminal Justice Act at Finglas Garda Station in connection with what they described as a domestic issue."