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Pogawędka w garażu
CrazyEdek • 2022-04-16, 10:18
Taka tam pogawędka, aby zabić nudę.

Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
mygyry • 2022-04-16, 10:21
Krwawy ślimak, ładnie spierdala
Pojebana akcja, więcej info w źródle. Źródło.

ukryta treść
MILWAUKEE - A gun battle and subsequent crash on a Milwaukee street was captured by a doorbell camera.

The shooting on the city's northwest side Sunday evening, March 20, ended with a head-on crash between two vehicles.

Milwaukee police say seven people were arrested after the crash near 77th and Lisbon. One of those in custody is a 15-year-old boy.

It is unclear what led to the shooting. But according to the doorbell camera video, you can hear the gunshots being fired before two sedans smash head-on.

Several people ran from the vehicles – and then come back over the next several minutes. One person was trapped in the vehicle and needed to be pulled out by firefighters.

"Not only, ticked off. Right now, I'm still shaking from what happened last night. Because I felt like I was in an actual cop movie. I watch them, I don't want to be part of them," said Jeaninne Bauer, who was at home at the time of the shooting and crash.

Bauer told FOX6 News something needs to be done.

"You think people are viewing this as a game?" asked Bauer rhetorically. "I think so. Because why would you do this? This is your life. If you don't care about anybody else's life, it's your life."

FOX6 News can say a 20-year-old man was arrested on a recommended charge of armed robbery. An 18-year-old woman was also booked on endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon, as a party to a crime. Also arrested – three 18-year-old men, a 17-year-old boy, and a 15-year-old boy.

Police say charges will be referred to the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office.
Gliniarz nie powinien go na początku grzecznie pytać czy ma broń tylko z góry zakładać, że coś kombinuje. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
The Oklahoma City Police Department released body-camera footage that shows the moment Crasteven Kennon Wilson, 23, shot Officer Bryce Sheehan in the leg as he tried to search the suspect for weapons in southeast Oklahoma City. Around 5:50 p.m. March 2, Officer Bryce Sheehan responded to a report of a disturbance or suspicious person in the 2300 block of South Kate Avenue. Police said Officer Sheehan found the suspect near Southeast 21st Street and Emco Drive. “You got any weapons?” Officer Sheehan asked Wilson while responding to a call about a suspicious person.

“Can I pat you down real quick? Make sure you don’t have any weapons? Here, don’t reach for nothing.” Wilson mumbled “yeah,” but instead quickly turned around and shot Officer Sheehan, striking the officer in the right leg before running to his patrol car and trying to drive off. “Shots fired, shots fired!” Officer Sheehan yelled. “I’m hit!”. The Oklahoma City Police Department used a drone to find Wilson, who was hiding outside a nearby home. Authorities say officers took him into custody and provided first aid after seeing he had been shot. Wilson was taken to a hospital and later died. Officer Sheehan was treated and released from OU Medical Center. He was placed on routine administrative leave.
Według źródła policjant wystrzelił 17 razy i 2 kulki trafiły napastnika. Źródło.

ukryta treść
NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - New Orleans police released bodycam video Tuesday of an officer-involved shooting earlier this month.

According to NOPD, an armed robbery suspect, identified as Daniel Castillo, 32, was shot two times in the leg during a gunfire exchange with police on Tues., Feb. 8. His injuries were not considered life-threatening.

Castillo was shot around 8 p.m. in the 2500 block of St. Louis Street. Police said officers were canvassing the area searching for the man after reports of an armed robbery around the corner in the 400 block of North Dorgenois Street.

Police say Castillo held up two women at gunpoint in a church parking lot and stole one of the women’s purse with her cell phone in it.

Officer Levi Atkin located Castillo behind a row of bushes in a field at the Lafitte Greenway across the street. Castillo refused commands to show his hands and drop his firearm.

In a press conference Tuesday, Superintendent Shaun Ferguson said Castillo fired twice before Atkin shot back. Castillo’s gun reportedly jammed during the exchange of gunfire.

“If you look at this video, he is in an open field when this individual fired shots at him,” Ferguson said. “He has nowhere to take cover. The only thing he can do is return fire to save himself.”

Atkin fires 17 times, striking Castillo in the leg twice.

Atkin received a commendation from the department in 2020 for helping to quickly get NOPD officer Trevor Abney to University Medical Center for life-saving treatment after the fellow policeman had been shot in the face in the French Quarter on Oct. 31. Donnell Hassell was booked with attempted murder as the suspect accused of ambushing Abney and another officer from the back of a pedicab.

Court records show Hassell has been deemed mentally incompetent to stand trial. He is scheduled for another mental health competency hearing March 9.

Atkin remains on desk duty while the investigation continues.
...do funkcjonariuszy więc musiał przejść terapię ołowiową. Źródło

ukryta treść
Ferguson, Missouri — The St. Louis County Police Department released its critical incident briefing of a December police shooting that left a man dead after he shot at officers. The briefing is related to the Dec. 12 police shooting of Jeremi Moore, a 35-year-old man police said shot at officers. Police were called to the 600 block of Carson Rd. shortly after 8:30 p.m. for a man flourishing a handgun. Officers were searching for Moore and found him around 8:30 p.m. in the 600 block of Tiffin Avenue. Police said the man pulled out a gun and shot at them. One of the officers shot back at the man, killing him. The two Ferguson police officers who were fired upon were not injured. Still, they called for backup and several area departments responded, including the North County Police Cooperative and St. Louis County Police Department. Police said first responders administered aid, but Moore died a short time later. A gun was found about 10 feet from Moore, and a shell casing police said was fired from the gun was found behind the home.
Pięknie podwiedziane
Morty999 • 2022-02-18, 16:00
Why he get shoot so many times xd

Najlepszy komentarz (88 piw)
BambiPMT • 2022-02-18, 17:03
Zajebisty rzecznik prasowy.