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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 0:57
📌 Konflikt izrealsko-arabski - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 0:05


Spacerek po torach
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-02-04, 22:13
Długo teraz nie pospaceruje ale i tak miała więcej szczęścia niż rozumu.
Najlepszy komentarz (34 piw)
G................y • 2022-02-05, 6:45
Pralpunkt napisał/a:

Nóżka się popsuła

To pikuś.. nie zauważyłeś na tym filmiku najustotniejszej rzeczy..

On użył PASEK, hindus użył PASEK..

Bez szarpania, podnoszenia. PASEK powyżej rany. Kto go BHP uczył.

Na bank jakiś przyjezdny

Jak on to przeżył
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-31, 14:44
Powinna z niego mielonka zostać a tu chyba tylko jedna noga ucierpiała a lepszy kulawy niż martwy.
Najlepszy komentarz (38 piw)
pablohasan • 2022-01-31, 15:08
Ty ręki od nogi nie odróżniasz?
Pociąg w Bangladeszu
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-24, 21:13
Według źródła 3 osoby zginęły. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść

Diesel-powered small vehicle suddenly tried to cross the tracks as train reached the level-crossing

Three people were killed after a train hit a three-wheeler small truck, locally known as “bhotbhoti”, in Chapainawabganj on Monday.

The incident was reported from a level crossing at Alinagar Hazirmor area at 8:30am, said police.

The deceased were identified as Fulchan, Sheher Ali, and Naimul.

Quoting witnesses, OC Mozaffar Hossain said the three-wheeler carrying the three got stuck at the level crossing, as they were returning home after selling fish at a local market.
Według źródła akcja z Brukseli, napastnikiem okazał się 23-letni francuski gówniarz. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The Brussels local transport company MIVB has confirmed the incident that happened as a train was about the stop at the platform. The images come from a security camera.

The train driver managed to stop just in time. Members of the public on the platform rushed to the woman’s assistance.

“The driver put on the brakes when he saw the woman on the track and stopped in time” says An Van hamme of the MIVB.

The perpetrator was not wearing the mandatory mask and was easy to identify. A 23-year-old Frenchman has been arrested and faces charges of attempted manslaughter. Prosecutors are investigating what exactly happened and hope to establish a motive and whether victim and perpetrator were known to each other, which is thought unlikely. The suspect is not believed to possess an address in Belgium. He has form in France. The victim is a 55-year-old woman.

Sarah Durant of the prosecutor's office described the driver stopping the train in time as an 'heroic deed'. Driver and victim were taken to hospital but both soon discharged.

The perpetrator fled the scene by crossing the track. His picture was disseminated and he could be arrested at the De Brouckère station within minutes.

The incident halted metro between Elisabeth and Kunst-Wet till 8:15PM.
Najlepszy komentarz (24 piw)
wezu69 • 2022-01-16, 19:16
Ale że zdążył zahamować ten skład,
~_Yarko_ • 2022-01-09, 17:39

Szkoda czasu na podpinanie do składu.
Kretynka na przejeździe
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-08, 21:15
Można tylko napisać, że Rosja to niezmiennie stan umysłu.
Najlepszy komentarz (44 piw)
Quassar • 2022-01-08, 23:00
Zajebiste te blokady powinno sie u nas takie montować na pasach dla pieszych (tych z oświetleniem) wtedy jak jest czerwone dla auta a zielone dla pieszych nie wyjedzie z tyłu jakiś debil wyprzedzając/omijając auto stojące by ustąpić miejsca pieszemu.

Powinna cipa jeszcze dziękować wynalazcy za uratowanie życia.
Według źródła 66-letni mężczyzna został poważnie ranny i trafił do szpitala.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A negligent situation with grave consequences occurred on December 28, at about 8 pm, at the Ishim station. Passenger train No. 255 "Krasnoyarsk - Moscow" arrived with a great delay, so the driver decided to reduce the parking lot from 5 to 1 minute, which was not communicated to the conductors and passengers.

Unexpectedly for everyone, the train began to move, and passengers who did not have time to get on the train began to jump into the car on the move. One of the passengers, a 66-year-old resident of the city of Severo-Yeniseiskiy, fell off the handrail, fell under a wheelset and was severely injured.

In serious condition, he was taken to the hospital. The police are checking, and Russian Railways declined to comment.