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Pijany kierowca w akcji
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-26, 16:48
Według źródła ranny funkcjonariusz trafił do szpitala.

ukryta treść
Newly-released video shows the moments when police say a man drove his SUV through a DWI checkpoint while drunk, injuring a New Mexico State Police officer and two others.

The crash happened on the evening of May 19 in western New Mexico. The checkpoint was set up in Thoreau, near I-40.

Miraculously, everyone survived.

Watch the video above to see the crash and the aftermath.

A New Mexico State Police spokesperson told KOB the injured officer, Alejandro Solis-Torres, is now back to work and doing well.

The full extent of the injuries to the two women who were hit is not known, but one of them had a serious injury to one arm and had to have surgery. They were speaking with the officer outside their vehicle at the time.

Police said the man who caused the crash is 36-year-old Joshua Floehr, from Bloomfield.

An officer is heard telling him he was slurring his speech, and that officer later said he believed Floehr was drunk.

He’s facing multiple charges, including three felonies, two of which involve being under the influence.

A grand jury indicted Floehr Thursday. A judge released him before his trial. His next court appearance is set for Sept. 11.
Atak z partyzanta
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-26, 12:17
Smoluchy chyba zaatakowały naszego rodaka w Chicago bo słychać soczyste ,,kurwa".
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
danielusx25 • 2023-09-26, 14:39
Jak by miał kopyto to by leżeli w chłodni tam tylko nosić 9 mm na te ścierwa i walić po łbach
Szanowna niewiasta była tak oburzona jakimś typem gadającym o Bogu, że postanowiła lecieć w chuja i się przekonać l, że czyny niosą ze sobą konsekwencje.

Najlepszy komentarz (64 piw)
~Velture • 2023-09-24, 11:32
AlbertoNihilo napisał/a:

Jakieś gadki po angielsku. Gdzie tłumaczenie?

w podstawówce
Oprócz policjanta wcześniej opluł też jeszcze kilku przypadkowych przechodniów. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Birmingham, Alabama — On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, South Precinct Officers were dispatched to a report of a disorderly person in Underwood Park. Four Birmingham Police Officers responded to separate incident locations, in connection with the 911 call. The suspect has been identified as 28-year-old Theodore Williams of Irondale, Alabama. Officers #1 and #2 made contact with an adult male victim, in Underwood Park. The adult male victim stated, while he was walking in Underwood Park, he was approached by a male wearing a black jacket in blue jeans and the suspects spit on him. While officers #1 and #2 were gathering information to put in an incident report, officers #3 and #4 observed Theodore Williams walking in the 2500 block of 10th Avenue South.

He matched the clothing description of the suspect. Officers #3 and #4 approached Williams, but he fled on foot. They relayed information that he was running on foot over the police radio, officers #1 and #2 then got in their patrol car and drove until they observed Williams walking in the 2300 block of 10th Avenue South. Officer #2 approached him. Williams stated to officer #2 that he was going to physically assault him and then he struck officer #2 with a closed fist. Williams then fled on foot, officer #1 pursued him on foot. During the foot pursuit, officer #1 deployed his taser however it was unsuccessful. Both officer #1 and Theodore Williams, ran westbound until Williams stopped in the roadway in the 2200 block of Magnolia Avenue. He then faced towards officer #1. Officer #1 told Williams to turn around and place his hands behind his back, Williams refused and spit on officer #1.

Officer #1 took Williams to the ground and while on the ground, delivered multiple closed fist strikes to Williams. Officer #1 applied handcuffs on him. A South Precinct Sergeant responded to the 2200 block of Magnolia Avenue. Birmingham Fire Rescue Personnel responded to the 2200 block of Magnolia Avenue and treated Williams. Neither officers, #1, #2, #3, #4, nor Williams suffered any serious injuries. Williams was placed in a patrol car and then transported to a local area hospital, to be checked out by medical staff. Williams was then transported to the Birmingham city jail, where he remains in custody. Officers presented case information to the City of Birmingham’s Magistrate Office, who charged Williams with assault with bodily fluids, physical harassment, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
Jak poznać w USA, że jesteście w białej dzielnicy?
Czarny wam pokazuje i opowiada.

Najlepszy komentarz (90 piw)
Cupracabra • 2023-09-23, 1:03
Człekokształtne jak zawsze w zdziwieniu, że u białych jest coś na wierzchu, czysto i nie nasrane.. Aż łapy świerzbią by ukraść, zniszczyć i kogoś pobić. Małpie czarne skurwysyny
Dobrze kurwa
~Velture • 2023-09-22, 23:15

Gaige Grosskreutz, facet, który próbował zabić Kyle'a Rittenhouse'a z pistoletu, ale zamiast tego wystrzelił mu dziurę w ramieniu kaliber 5,56, został właśnie potrącony przez kierowcę, który potrącił go i uciekł.
Był uczestnikiem protestu „Deffunduj policję”.

Karma w proszku

Postrzelony gliniarz
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-22, 11:06
Bycie gliniarzem w USA to niebezpieczna robota. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Louisville, Kentucky — On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at approximately 2:27 a.m., LMPD 2nd Division Officer Brandon Haley was attempting to catch up with a vehicle that had no lights on. The vehicle was traveling westbound on Kentucky Street and turned south on 40th Street where the vehicle came to rest on the sidewalk. At the beginning of the video captured on Officer Haley's dashcam, shows the taillights being activated as the car attempts to turn left onto 40th Street. Officer Haley exited his vehicle and advised that two subjects were running. As Officer Haley ran towards the vehicle, several subjects began shooting from a house on the west side of 40th Street. Officer Haley was immediately struck and fell to the ground and returned fire.

While still being shot at, Officer Haley ran to the opposite side of the street where he was met by Officer Billotto. As Officer Billotto began assessing Officer Haley's injuries, the subject or subjects began shooting at officers again. Officer Billotto returned fire and dragged Officer Haley to a safer position. Officer Billotto immediately began to relay information to responding officers while rendering aid to Officer Haley. Officer Haley was placed in a police car and transported to University Hospital with life-threatening injuries. Numerous officers responded, including LMPD's Hostage Negotiation Team, as well as SWAT. Over the course of the next several hours, five persons of interest were taken into custody and multiple guns and narcotics were seized at the scene. At this time, Officer Haley's condition has improved greatly and he is no longer in critical condition.
Sztuczna Inteligencja
freaky • 2023-09-21, 21:12
W czasie wizyty narkomana w USA doszło do incydentu. Na jednym z budynków wyświetlony został poniższy baner powitalny.

Firma będąca właścicielem ekranu wyjaśniła, że ​​przyczyną błędu był inteligentny system, który porównał kolor żółty ze słowem Ukraine (Ukraina) i automatycznie skorygował go na podobne słowo spółgłoskowe – Urine (Mocz).
Najlepszy komentarz (108 piw)
Autor • 2023-09-21, 21:24
Ukrofile zamknęły już w końcu głupie ryje, czy nadal wyzywają wszystkich spostrzegawczych i przewidujących przebieg zdarzeń od onuc?
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:

  Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów
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