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Według źródła wypchnął ją wnuczek, 88-latka trafiła do szpitala.

ukryta treść
The footage shows the distressed 88-year-old hanging out of a window at 1812 Clay Ave. around 7 a.m. Friday, as her daughter, 61, stands on the sidewalk.

The younger woman, wearing a white shirt soaked in blood, appeared to be speaking with the grandmother.

After a short time, two hands can be seen shoving the older woman from the window.

Her body slowly edges out of the opening before tumbling onto the pavement.

She then rolls over, and appears to be bleeding from her nose and mouth, the clip reveals.

Video shows the distressed 88-year-old hanging out the window at 1812 Clay Avenue around 7 a.m. Friday.

Ernest Thompson, the building’s superintendent, said he came outside to see what the commotion was and saw his tenants in distress.

“I ran out and I saw her neck and side mutilated,” he said.

“So I told her, ‘Wait for me. I’m going to get compression to put on your wounds.’

“Before I had a chance to get a few feet away her son was pushing his grandmother directly out of the window,” he said.

“When she fell, I just grabbed her and I was like ‘Don’t move. Stay right here. I’m getting help,’” he said, as he crouched down on the floor and put his arms out pretending the grandmother was there.

“By this time, the cops were coming across the street and EMTs were pulling up at the corner. So there was nothing more I could actually professionally do for them but pray for them.”

He said he doesn’t know much about the son except that he’s been living there for at least two years.

Both woman were taken to St. Barnabas in stable condition.

“To see my tenant, which is one of my best tenants, put into such despair, I don’t know how to react,” he said.

“I haven’t digested it yet. I haven’t been able to process it yet. This is still not even 48 hours old. I’m trying to pray for her and hope she’s well, both of them.”

Both women were taken to St. Barnabas in stable condition.
Dżentelmen z Seattle
~_Yarko_ • 2023-09-10, 11:52

Pokazał kobietom wyższość swojej rasy.
Najlepszy komentarz (56 piw)
Batman_ • 2023-09-10, 12:37
Bardzo wam kurwa dobrze, hamerykańskie zjeby. Wchodźcie więcej w dupe tym czarnym odpadom, to będziecie mieli jeszcze lepiej. Nawarzyliscie sobie rzygowin, to teraz to pijcie.
Według źródła nie miał przy sobie broni tylko zabawkę. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Carson, California — On August 7, 2023, at 1:53 a.m., Carson Sheriff Station received a 911 call from a store clerk reporting a man causing a disturbance at a gas station. The caller said the man, later identified as 34-year-old Arturo Cernas of Los Angeles, was screaming at the gas pumps and would not leave. Carson Station deputies were dispatched to the call. Cernas eventually complied and got on his knees. Deputies repeatedly told him not to reach for anything. For approximately a minute and a half, Cernas remained on his knees with his hands on his head.

He suddenly reached into his right pocket for a cell phone and reached into his backpack. During this time, deputies gave repeated commands for Cernas to stop moving. Cernas then grabbed the pistol from his left pant pocket. When Cernas reached into his pocket and grabbed the pistol, one deputy fired a less lethal 40mm foam projectile. Cernas continued drawing the pistol and, almost simultaneously, a deputy discharged his service weapon. Deputies rendered medical aid until the arrival of Los Angeles County Fire Department Paramedics. Paramedics pronounced Cernas deceased at the scene. After the incident, it was determined to be a CO2 BB pistol which resembled a firearm.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
leonidkacap • 2023-09-10, 8:45
jeden pies czy atrapa czy prawdziwy ważne że czarnuch odstrzelony
Nie żałowali nabojów
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-10, 2:15
Wjebali w niego sporo ołowiu. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Roosevelt Island, New York — On August 5, 2023, At approximately 1130 PM, NYPD officers responded to multiple 911 calls at 540 Main St. regarding a 21-year-old man who was reportedly threatening a family member with a knife. The caller was a relative inside the location who also stated, the armed man was off his medication and under the influence of marijuana. Three officers entered one of the elevators and were preparing to ride it to the man’s floor, while two others were trying to prop open the lobby door with fliers in anticipation of backup.

All of a sudden, the suspect emerged from the second elevator not occupied by officers and moved quickly towards an officer, swinging the knife directly at this officer. That officer retreated outside of the lobby and then the suspect charged towards the elevator occupied by three officers. One officer fired at the man with a Taser, and two officers pulled out their service weapons and shot the man multiple times at close range. The video shows the man on his back just outside the elevator as his right arm went limp. After the shooting, the officers tried to save the man’s life. The man was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced deceased. None of the officers or civilians in the area were injured during this incident.
Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
NickFejkkk • 2023-09-10, 6:24
Popełnił samobójstwo
Szybko go sprowadzili na ziemię.

ukryta treść
A suspect who allegedly shot at officers was wounded when they fired back - and then taken into custody in the Pico-Union district on Sunday, police say.

No officers or witnesses were injured, but the suspect was struck and sustained injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening, the LAPD says.

The incident happened around 12:30 p.m. in the area of West Pico Boulevard and Kenmore.

LAPD officials say two officers were driving down Pico in a department vehicle when someone opened fire at them. Bullets struck the windshield of the SUV but the officers were not injured.
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