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Według źródła rowerzysta nie przeżył. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (74 piw)
silwerbalk • 2023-09-16, 8:22
Oczywiście kurwa czarni .... no bo kto inny by wpadł na taki genialny pomysł by zajebać samochód i zacząć się bawić w gta ..... ale to według mnie jest wina białych bo sami im daliśmy kurwa swobodę i głaskanie po jajach bo przeciesz rasizm i ACAB itd noo biedne murzynki nie rozumieją o co biega a w wogule to trauma niewolniczą mają .....
Według źródła napastnik zmarł w szpitalu. Źródło.

ukryta treść
RENO, Nev. A suspect is dead after he was shot and killed by police in Reno early Labor Day morning. Officers with the Reno Police Department responded to the 2600 block of Yori Ave. just after midnight on the report of a stabbing. When police arrived on scene, they found the armed suspect and ultimately ended up shooting him. Authorities did not release any details about what led up to the shooting. Authorities said the man was rushed to the hospital where he later died. No officers were hurt during the incident.
Według źródła smoluch złamał mu nos. Źródło.

ukryta treść
Johnny McCray, age 39, was arrested on Wednesday night, Sept. 6 on assault charges after punching an officer in the face, according to Yonkers Police.

On the night of the incident, police responded to Yonkers Avenue in the area of Cypress Street on reports of a man lying down on the sidewalk. There, arriving officers found a man identified as McCray, who they confirmed was still breathing.

McCray was then taken into an ambulance for further treatment. However, he soon tried to leave the ambulance despite officers and medical staff's attempts to convince him to stay in the vehicle.

While police were telling McCray to stay for treatment and to sit down, McCray then sucker-punched one of the officers in his face, breaking his nose, authorities said.

The officers at the scene then pulled McCray to the ground and handcuffed him. He was later charged with second-degree assault on a police officer, a felony, in addition to other charges, according to police.
Bójka w szkole
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-14, 10:44
Skakanie i kopanie po głowie czyli typowe zachowania dla smoluchów.

ukryta treść
Mankato East High School in Minnesota faced a half-hour lockdown Friday morning, following a huge fight on campus.

Superintendent Paul Peterson announced there were no significant injuries and assured that the students involved would be disciplined, The Free Press reported.

The incident brings into sharp focus the ongoing debate around the recent removal of school resource officers (SROs) due to a new state law limiting physical restraints on students. Police agencies across the state have withdrawn their SROs, expressing concern about potential liability under the new legislation.

“I discussed this with several attorneys who are familiar with this area of the law and they were unanimous: The law is unclear and it could result in litigation that threatens the livelihood of our school resource officers,” Hennepin County Sheriff Dawanna Witt said. “It could even subject them to criminal prosecution for trying to de-escalate a situation by restraining an out-of-control student.”
To zdecydowanie nie był dobry pomysł. Źródło.

ukryta treść
deputy who shot a suspect after receiving a call for a disturbance in Mariposa County.

Deputies say on Saturday morning, shortly after 2 a.m., they received a call regarding a stabbing at a home located on Terrace View Lane.

According to deputies, 23-year-old Robert Logan, a transient recently staying in the home, had an altercation with one of the residents. During the altercation, Logan used a knife to stab the victim, causing puncture wounds and lacerations to his head and neck area.

Sheriff’s officials say after stabbing the victim, Logan fled the scene in an unknown direction. Residents identified the suspect and gave a description of what he was wearing.

Around 3 a.m., deputies stated they received information that Logan may be near the Mariposa County Health and Human Services Agency Offices. Upon arrival, Deputy Slenders contacted Logan, who was shirtless and still holding a knife in his left hand.

Sheriff’s officials say Logan immediately began to advance towards Deputy Slenders, swinging the knife and yelling. The deputy instructed Logan to “get on the ground,” “let me see your hands,” and “drop the knife.” Deputy Slenders fired one single shot in the chest area of Logan.

Deputies say that following the shooting, medical aid was provided for the suspect and they began lifesaving measures. Additional first responders arrived within minutes, including CAL FIRE and Mercy Ambulance.
Postrzelony ochroniarz
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-13, 7:29
Według źródła 16-latek postrzelił ochroniarza podczas meczu w szkole średniej w Utica w stanie Nowy Jork.

ukryta treść
A teenage suspect was arrested in the shooting of a security guard who was blasted in the head while breaking up a fight at a high school football game in New York over the weekend, police announced.

The suspect, a 16-year-old boy, turned himself in to police Sunday after he was identified through numerous videos of the shooting at Thomas R. Proctor High School, the Utica Police Department said.

Police said the teen was not a student at the Utica high school but was enrolled in “an alternative educational program.”

His name has not been released as he is underage, and police said they seeking to prosecute him as an adult.

The teenager faces charges of attempted murder in the second degree, along with several weapons offenses.
Typowy smoluch.
Najlepszy komentarz (45 piw)
John-Flopp • 2023-09-13, 8:58
Voldmar napisał/a:

Pytanie, po co? Czy te czarne kupy gówna mają jakiś specjalny gen, który nakazuje im sprowadzać cierpienie, krzywdę i spustoszenie?

Przejebane ale nawet w świecie zwierząt nie ma takich zachowań.. Oni stoją jeszcze niżej.
Próbowała bronić swojego partnera. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (87 piw)
madufo • 2023-09-12, 10:34
Za takie coś to zwierzę do więzienia za usiłowanie zabójstwa.
Przecież gościu już nieprzytomny leży na ziemi, a on go dalej okłada.
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