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Dawaj dawaj ...
~McSadol • 2024-06-02, 13:53
albo lepiej spierdalaj ....

Najlepszy komentarz (33 piw)
joti • 2024-06-02, 14:38
Tata Punch. Sprawdziłem ile ten indyjski mały SUV kosztuje na tamtejszym rynku. - w przeliczeniu od 29tys. zł.
Załamać się można jak nas jebią wszystkimi opłatami i podatkami w tej UE...
Według źródła cała ekipa zginęła na miejscu po spotkaniu z ciężarówką.

ukryta treść
A video of the fatal accident recorded this Friday afternoon in Los Angeles was released, where the details of this event were revealed.

In the images captured from the cabin of the forestry truck that participated in this collision, it can be seen when the van with forestry workers tries to perform a maneuver crossing the axis of the road, at a time when the truck loaded with wood is prevented from avoiding the impact resulting from the slow maneuver of the first vehicle

Let us remember that this emergency was generated shortly before 6 p.m. this Friday at kilometer 13 of the route that connects Los Angeles with Laja through María Dolores, and where emergency teams such as firefighters, police and SAMU worked, leaving four Forestry workers died, in addition to two with serious injuries.