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Rosyjskie więzienie
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-20, 21:17
U nas kurwa wczasy z telewizorem a tam wpierdol i wypad przez okno. Krasnojarsk.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Gulagu.No sends the FSIN of Russia another hello and publishes a video with the next torture in the colonies. This time not Saratov, but Krasnoyarsk. One prisoner is raped, another is thrown out of the window.

There is still a lot of content ahead from different regions. A week ago, 200 gigabytes of video recordings were removed from the country.

By the way, yesterday a bill was introduced to the State Duma on the deprivation of government officials for up to 12 years for torture.