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 już wpłaciłem / nie jestem zainteresowany
Złodziejskie ścierwo odebrało życie młodej kobiecie dla głupiego telefonu komórkowego. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (43 piw)
planet • 2023-09-04, 21:30
Bardziej to egzekucja plus jakiś mini łup dla egzekutora albo zatarcie śladów. Chyba ze 3 razy strzelał w głowę gdy ofiara już leżała bezbronnie (martwa).
Według źródła 21-letnia Ta'Kiya Young chwilę wcześniej ukradła ze sklepu parę butelek alkoholu. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Columbus, Ohio — On August 24, 2023, Blendon Township police officers were assisting a driver locked out of her car in the Kroger parking lot on Sunbury Road. As the officers were helping, a Kroger employee pointed out to one of the officers that someone who had stolen bottles of alcohol from the store was -- at that moment -- fleeing. Store employees later reported that several suspects had been stealing items, but the other suspects had fled in other cars. However, this particular female suspects who had been pointed out to the officer, was in a Lexus sedan with no license tags parked in a handicapped spot right in front of the store.

The Franklin County Coroner identified the suspect as 21-year-old Ta'Kiya Young and confirmed she was pregnant. Young started the car. One officer approached from the driver’s side and ordered Young to stop and get out of the car. She ignored the order. Another officer came in front of the car and also ordered Young to get out of the car. Despite being ordered to get out of the car more than a dozen times, she refused to do so. Young put the car in gear and accelerated forward. The officer who was directly in the path of the oncoming car fired one shot through the front windshield. The car kept moving and officers ran after it for about 50 feet. It then came to a stop on the sidewalk outside the store.

Because the driver’s door had been locked, officers immediately broke the driver’s window so they could attend to Young and begin medical assistance. Officers also immediately called for EMS. The officer who fired the shot sprinted to his car to get a trauma kit, which he quickly employed. A passing ER doctor assisted. Young died at St. Ann’s hospital, which was the closest ER. The two officers’ names, ages and races were not immediately released. They are on paid administrative leave while the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation examines the shooting, which is standard in cases of police use of deadly force. Young was expected to give birth to a daughter in November. She also was the mother of two young sons, ages 6 and 3.
Najlepszy komentarz (41 piw)
Bart47 • 2023-09-02, 13:25
Program 'tanie państwo' w praktyce. Jeden celny strzał, a ile korzyści dla społeczeństwa...
Czujny policjant nie dał się jednak zaskoczyć. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Las Vegas, Nevada — On Friday, August 25, 2023, at approximately 1:04 a.m., LVMPD Dispatch received a call from a man stating his sister had battered him. He provided an address to an apartment located in the 3600 block of East Lake Mead Boulevard. A few minutes later his sister 25-year-old Sandra Lopez- Ochoa also reported a domestic disturbance through communications center. Officer Sacba and his partner responded and contacted Lopez-Ochoa’s brother, who was waiting outside of the apartment. After speaking with him, officers had probable cause to arrest Lopez-Ochoa for domestic strangulation. Officer Sacba and his partner contacted Lopez-Ochoa inside of the apartment where she was sitting on a couch in the living room.

After a few minutes of speaking with her, she stood up and an officer grabbed her left arm to place her in handcuffs. Lopez-Ochoa then reached down toward the couch where she was sitting and produced a knife. She quickly turned toward the officer who was holding her arm and stabbed him on top of his head. Lopez-Ochoa then turned toward Officer Sacba while armed with the knife. Officer Sacba drew his firearm and discharged his duty weapon toward Lopez-Ochoa. She was struck by gunfire and fell to the ground. Medical personnel were summoned for both, the officer and for Lopez-Ochoa. The officer was transported to UMC Trauma where he was provided medical treatment. He was later discharged from the hospital and is now home recovering with his family. Lopez-Ochoa was pronounced deceased at the scene by medical personnel.
Pani narkodiler
T3RMINATOR • 2023-01-12, 14:22
Policja zakończyła jej karierę tik-tok-erki. Meksyk

Najlepszy komentarz (41 piw)
las84500 • 2023-01-12, 14:25
Strzał z armaty przyjęty na oczodół. Coś pięknego.
Szybki rozwód
T3RMINATOR • 2022-11-20, 19:32
Mąż chciał zdzielić żonę rękojeścią pistoletu a ją zastrzelił.

Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
sothis • 2022-11-20, 20:09
MartweMurzyńskiePłody napisał/a:

albo żona z sąsiadem

Pół biedy jeśli się kurwila.
Znajomego żona miała raka. Sprzedał mieszkanie, nabrał kredytów i pojechał do UK pracować żeby pokryć koszty leczenia. Kobitka po wyleczeniu znalazła faceta na boku, wyjebane na dzieci i jego poświęcenie. A jaka zazdrosna szmata, za późno po pracy do niej dzwonił to płacz że pewnie ma tam babę i ją zdradza :]
Zgadnij, komu sąd przyznał opiekę nad córkami?
Dlatego raczej nie potępiam z automatu takich gości jak na nagraniu.
No i zarobiła parę kulek. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
The San Diego County Sheriff's Department released video Friday of a fatal shooting that occurred last week in Little Italy after a woman stabbed a San Diego Police Department officer in the chest.

The incident took place at around 12:30 p.m. on March 3, in the 400 block of W. Beech Street in Little Italy.

The video shows a San Diego County Sheriff's deputy serving an eviction notice to the woman identified as Yan Li, 47, at the Aqua Vista condo complex. When she answers the door, she receives the notice from the deputy and is seen carrying a knife. The deputy tells her to drop the knife and then takes out his gun and points it at Li.

The deputy repeats commands to drop the knife multiple times, while Li shouts concerns about how to know whether the deputy is an imposter. The two continue to argue before Li throws out the notice and closes the door. That's when the deputy calls for backup.

SDPD K9 arrived at the scene along with additional deputies. They tried to communicate with Li for the next 45 minutes before they went inside her condo, according to SDPD Lt. Matt Dobbs. The footage released by SDSO shows a supervisor attempting to speak with Li through the door.

Li didn't answer, so authorities broke through the door and instructed Li to show her hands while pointing their guns at her. Li then ran at the officers with a knife and allegedly stabbed an SDPD K9 officer in the chest. Li continued wielding a knife toward the officers after they fell on the ground, and then three SDSO deputies and one SDPD officer fired multiple shots at Li.

Li was struck at least once and died at the scene, according to Dobbs.

The Psychological Emergency Response Team (PERT) was called to the scene, but it's unclear if and when they showed up.

Dobbs added that Li threatened a custodial worker at the building a day before. SDSO said in the video that based on the reported crime, there was a threat to public safety and probable cause to arrest Li for assault with a deadly weapon before entering her apartment.

The injured K9 officer was treated at UC San Diego Medical Center for his injuries was released. He was wearing a protective vest but was stabbed above it in his upper chest, according to Dobbs.

The personnel who fired their guns during the encounter have been identified as SDPD Officer Rogelio Medina, and Sheriff's Sgt. Daniel Nickel and Deputies Javier Medina and David Williams.

Medina, a member of the SDPD Canine Unit, has been with the department for 13 years. Nickel has been employed by the Sheriff's Department for 29 years, Medina for 23 years and Williams for 14 years.

The shooting is under investigation by SDPD's homicide unit. When the investigation is finished, it will be reviewed by the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office to determine if the officers bear any criminal liability for their actions.
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