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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie (tylko materiały z opisem) - ostatnia aktualizacja: Wczoraj 21:52


...i zginął. Według źródła był uzbrojony w śrutówkę. Źródło.

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SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco police held their required town-hall meeting after SFPD fatally shot and killed a man at San Francisco International Airport who allegedly brandished replica guns.

Police released video from the Jan. 20 incident, including police-worn, body-camera footage. The shooting of Nelson Szeto, 37, is being investigated by California State Attorney General Rob Bonta's office. Police are characterizing the event as a 'suicide by cop.'

At Monday's virtual presentation, SFPD Commander Paul Yep said, "At one point, Mr. Szeto told officers to shoot him." Yep continued to say Szeto said things like, "center mass," adding, "make sure you aim," and also, "Thank you for your service. I respect you guys." Yep said Szeto also apologized, stating several times that he was sorry.

Yep said officers reiterated that they did not want to shoot the man. Crisis negotiators worked to deescalate the situation. Police also used less than lethal ammunition before firing live rounds.

SFPD were initially called for reports of a man who was acting erratically just outside the international terminal's BART entrance.

Before the shooting, Szeto allegedly pulled out what appeared to be a real gun and a knife. The guns ended up being airsoft guns, which fire plastic pellets. These type of replica firearms normally have orange tips, but in this case they did not.

The department said Szeto had already placed one airsoft gun and the knife down when he was shot and killed by SFPD officers. Police said four officers opened fire when he raised one of those guns towards officers. Police show various angles from the incident.

Police have identified the involved SFPD officers as officers Erik Whitney, Oliver Lim, Steven Uang, and David Wakayama.
...na policjantów wyskoczył. Źródło i link do pełnej wersji.

Oryginalny opis:
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* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
San Diego, California — The San Diego Police Department released video footage of the fatal shooting by three officers of a robbery suspect who allegedly pulled a knife and a pellet gun on them in Logan Heights. The video includes portions of surveillance footage captured about 7:30 a.m. Monday from inside Mullens Market and Liquor in the 3000 block of Imperial Avenue. In it, 21-year-old Isaac Andrade approaches a store clerk at the market’s counter and shows them a large knife he’s holding in his left hand as part of a robbery attempt. Patrol officers investigating the holdup spotted the suspect walking in an alley just south of the scene of the crime, Brown said. As they approached, Andrade alleged reached into his jacket and produced a knife in one hand and what appeared to be a firearm in the other. In response, SDPD Officers Michael Martinez, Michael Muniz and Angel Vidrios shot the suspect. Police and firefighters tried in vain to revive Andrade before paramedics pronounced him dead. The gun that Andrade allegedly pulled turned out to be an airsoft- style pellet pistol, the lieutenant said.