Have not yet completed my Poland trip, but based on my experiences so far:
1) Be prepared to answer "Why Poland?" Every girl will ask you this and you better have a good answer
2) Getting a make out is not too difficult, but getting the girl to go home with you is a monumental exercise in frustration. I am writing this after spending the last 2 hours in trying to get a girl back to my apartment (I failed).
3) If you are a foreigner with money and well dressed, girls WILL notice you. However that does not give you any edge. You still have to prove to her that you are not simply looking for a one night stand.
4) Krakow girls are developing the sort of bitch shield that is more common with western girls. I spent 3 hours day gaming today and was blown outright by some girls without so much as a sorry. In comparison, the Wroclaw girls who rejected me were almost apologetic in comparison.
5) Polish guys are the worst chodes who have simply lucked into the draw of genetics. In the last 6 days in Poland, I have come upon just 3 guys who I would consider as good looking, well groomed and stylish. Note that this applies only to the guys born and bred in Poland. I saw plenty of stylish expats/foreigners, but I doubt that they are getting any action.
Cały wątek warto przeczytać
All of my cleaning ladies when I last lived there were Polish.
niestety, smutna prawda. Oczywiście Polki poźniej zadowolone, bo przecież mają "tyle kasy"
Znam przypadek, gdzie dziewczyna wyjeżdżająca "na zmywak" teraz jak dzwoni do rodziny " ja nie wracam do Polski, mam duzo kasy, nie musze oszczędzać, po co mam wracać"
Co do naszych łatwych szmateksów w klubach.
Niestety, wystarczy się ubrać i zapytać "how are you" z resztą był gdzieś wrzucany filmik, jak polaczek udawał obcokrajowca.