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The police in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon have lodged a Non-Cognisable (NC) complaint against three people for allegedly beating up a journalist Wednesday.

The video of Sandeep Mahajan, from Pachora in Jalgaon district, being beaten up allegedly by the supporters of local MLA Kishore Patil went viral Thursday.

Jalgaon SP M Rajkumar said, “We have registered an NC under sections 323, 504, and 506 of the Indian Penal Code based on the nature of injuries he sustained. However, we have sought the court’s permission to further investigate the matter.”

As against an FIR, if the police want to investigate an NC which is for lesser offences, they need court permission. An officer said since the journalist did not suffer serious injuries they have lodged the NC as per law.

The officer said while one accused remains unidentified, they have taken preventive action against the other two under Section 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Under Section 107, the police can serve a show cause notice asking the person to give reasons why he should not be executed a bond for keeping the peace.

According to another police officer, the incident is linked to Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s meeting with the parents of an eight-year-old girl, who was allegedly raped and murdered in Jalgaon a few days ago.

Mahajan allegedly put up a post where he called Shinde’s meeting with the girl’s parents an eyewash after which the local MLA Kishor Patil called him up. “The duo had a fight over the issue over the phone a few days back,” said the officer.

Following this, the journalist was attacked by three men on Wednesday. An officer said they are checking if the three are linked to MLA Patil.

Meanwhile, Opposition NCP MLA Rohit Pawar questioned the silence of the state government after Mahajan was beaten up allegedly by the “goons” of MLA Patil. Pawar said, “Mahajan was first abused over the phone and later beaten up by goons in a square which is named after his freedom fighter father”.

“CM Eknath Shinde, are you so intoxicated by the power? Is this how you respect families who laid down their lives for the freedom of this country? The common people of this country are asking this question,” Pawar said

NCP spokesperson Clyde Crasto tweeted, “Is Maharashtra heading for ‘Goonda Raj’? 1. Assault on Journalist Sandeep Mahajan by goons of @mieknathshinde’s MLA Kishor Patil because Mahajan did his duty and reported the truth. 2. Raj Surve, son of MLA Prakash Surve, also from Shinde group kidnaps a businessman. These acts are highly condemnable and dangerous for society.”
Kriski 2023-08-15, 13:34 3
Jeśli przeczytać tekst wspak to dostaniemy przepis na raka okrężnicy.
bercisko 2023-08-15, 13:46 8
Paru szmatławcopisarzy z Wybiórczej też by sie przydało takie uznanie od czytelników. Chociaż inne tytuły też nie święte. Chuja tam, wpierdol wszystkim
LubięWdupę 2023-08-15, 15:06 6
Instrukcja co robić z tymi od GW i TVN
vengo 2023-08-15, 16:33 3
Dziennikarz, czy presstytutka, jak ci z Wyborczej, Newsweeków, Tvn-u i innych gówien?
Bo różnica jest zasadnicza.
35i 2023-08-15, 19:03 1
bercisko napisał/a:

Paru szmatławcopisarzy z Wybiórczej też by sie przydało takie uznanie od czytelników. Chociaż inne tytuły też nie święte. Chuja tam, wpierdol wszystkim

Polecam dział "wszechmocne" na wirtualnej.
Nieźle tam się brandzlują jakieś niedopchnięte typiary.
bobson1357 2023-08-16, 3:26 1
Stanoski też się doczeka
PabloSkills 2023-08-16, 11:39
Dziennikarz z wiadomości "Gówno Prawda".
StickerBomb 2023-08-16, 23:10
To są tzw. wolne media, nawet za wolne żeby spierdolić.