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Awantura po amerykańsku
MisDetonator • 2021-11-04, 18:10
Dość ciekawa sytuacja z usa.
Policjant interweniuje do zakłócania porządku/awantury domowej. Siedmioletni synalek czeka grzecznie na schodach i mówi policjantowi że jego MATKA ma nóż i grozi jego ojcu. Policjant rusza na górę, słyszy krzyki kobiety i więc przyśpiesza a po wejściu widzi szamotaninę.
Co robi?
Strzela w faceta, a kiedy ten próbuje się podnieść poprawia mu drugą kulką. Bez standardowego 10x powtarzania komend. 61-latek zginął na miejscu a jego żona trafiła do psychuszki. Logiczne, skoro to ona miała nóż i groziła jemu, gdy widzisz że się szarpią zabijasz jego. Bo jest facetem. Kogo premiuje wstrętny patriarchalny system?

Zwracam uwagę że nie wiemy kto miał nóż w ręce w momencie szarpaniny, wiemy za to że to baba zaczęła i wyciągnęła nóż, okazało się że jest wariatką, ale to FACET zarobił 2 kule.

ukryta treść
Chicago, Illinois — The Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA) released body-camera video of an officer fatally shooting 61-year-old Michael Craig during a domestic disturbance which occurred on October 4, 2021, near the 7700 Block of South Carpenter Street. Chicago Police Officers responded to a call requesting police service near 7700 S. Carpenter Street for a domestic disturbance. Craig’s 7-year-old son was waiting outside when the officer arrives, and tells the officer that his mother has a knife and is threatening his father. Officers ask the boy to take them to the apartment and stay outside. Then the officers go up the stairs. As the officer prepares to step through the door, Craig’s wife screams and the officer draws his pistol, switching the Taser to his left hand. He fired the first shot almost immediately after crossing the threshold of the apartment door, as Craig and his wife appear to struggle in a narrow hallway between the kitchen and bathroom. Craig and the woman fall to the floor, and the officer fires a second shot as Craig tries to sit up. Craig’s wife was unhurt but was hospitalized for mental health issues.
Według opisu zginął na miejscu.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Deputy shot and killed a man Monday morning at a Shell gas station, according to Undersheriff James VanDyken.

The incident happened around 2:45 a.m. at the Shell located on 35th Street in Galesburg.

In a news conference Monday afternoon, the sheriff's office released an audio recording of the 911 call, along with body-cam video of the incident that shows what led to the deadly shooting.

The incident started with RV Johnson, 22, of Galesburg telling staff at the Shell gas station he needed to call 911. In the recording, he's heard telling the 911 dispatcher that he wants authorities to come to the station.

When the Kalamazoo County deputy, a more than 20-year veteran on the force whose name has not been released, arrived, the situation escalated quickly. Sheriff Rick Fuller said the deputy didn't know he was going to be confronted. Johnson is seen in the body-cam video lunging at the deputy with a knife multiple times.

The deputy tells Johnson to put his weapon down multiple times and when Johnson lunges again, the deputy shoots him once.

Authorities tried lifesaving measures but Johnson died on scene.

"To talk about what levels of force are used in any circumstance, that ultimately really comes from a full investigation," said Sheriff Fuller. "We have been with the family this morning and I can tell you they are suffering this loss and this is very tragic."

Fuller said this was the first time Johnson had an encounter with law enforcement.

The involved deputy was not hurt in the incident. Michigan State Police is now handling the investigation.
Oszukać przeznaczenie
Flodzia • 2021-10-04, 15:16

To nawet nie ten film
Najlepszy komentarz (34 piw)
~_Yarko_ • 2021-10-04, 16:27
Psa szkoda, bo to nie jego wina, że miał pana bałwana.