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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie Tylko dla osób pełnoletnich - ostatnia aktualizacja: Wczoraj 18:08
📌 Konflikt izrealsko-arabski Tylko dla osób pełnoletnich - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 5:23


Wenezuelski gang Tren de Aragua złożony z nielegalnych imigrantów oskarżony m.in o przemyt ludzi, przemoc, pranie pieniędzy i handel narkotykami postanowił przejąć blok mieszkalny. Chodzą od mieszkania do mieszkania i wypraszają lokatorów.

Aurora, Colorado, USA

Władze przymykają oko.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
dżonyłojlker • 2024-08-31, 21:32
Aj dont anderstent łot dys madafakin porczmanki sej.
Wymachiwał i został uśpiony na zawsze.

ukryta treść
Colorado Springs, Colorado — During the morning of Thursday, August 17, 2023, the United States Marshals and Colorado Department of Corrections - Division of Parole requested the Colorado Springs Police Department's Tactical Enforcement Unit, or TEU, assist them with apprehending a wanted fugitive in Colorado Springs. The fugitive, identified as 37-year-old Benjamin Annaboli, had been observed by US Marshals and parole officers and a parking lot of a hotel in the 1700 block of Aero Plaza Drive. Annaboli was identified as a violent offender with several outstanding arrest warrants for felony criminal offenses. TEU officers went to the hotel, located a person they believed was Annaboli and attempted to arrest him.

Annaboli fled on foot, running toward the front entrance of a hotel while holding a handgun in each of his hands. As Annaboli fled on foot, a uniformed CSPD officer yelled at him to stop and that he was under arrest. Annaboli refused these commands, pointed a handgun toward another uniformed CSPD officer, and refused two loud commands to drop his gun. A CSPD canine officer also released a canine in an attempt to apprehend Annaboli, and the canine chased Annaboli, and began biting him. Annaboli attempted to fight the canine off and turn towards CSPD officers while still holding a handgun. Two CSPD officers then fired their guns at Annaboli, and the shots hit him and caused him to fall to the ground.

As the officers approached Annaboli, they observed a handgun on the pavement near him and another handgun in one of his hands. After Annaboli was struck by the gunfire officers, took him into custody and provided emergency medical care until paramedics arrived. Annaboli was transported to an area hospital, where he died from the gunshot injuries he sustained. Investigators located two handguns in the area where Annaboli was shot by police officers. The first handgun was dropped on the ground by Annaboli, and the second handgun was in his hand when police officers took him into custody.

The officers involved in this incident:
- Officer Brian Kelly, assigned as a canine handler in the specialized enforcement division. Officer Kelly has been employed by the Colorado Springs Police Department for 22 years.
- Officer Matthew Waters, assigned as a tactical officer in the specialized enforcement division. Officer Waters has been employed by the Colorado Springs Police Department for 11 years.
Policjant farciarz
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-02-21, 10:40
Postałby chwilę dłużej i zapewne marnie by skończył. Źródło.

ukryta treść
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - A near-deadly crash was caught on camera in Colorado as authorities use the incident as a startling example of why the “Move Over” law was created.

Dash cam footage of the crash can be viewed at the top of this article. The dramatic scene played out on Tuesday in Adams County along I-25 at about 11:35 a.m. According to Colorado State Patrol, Master Trooper Travis Hood stopped a Kia sedan near 58th Avenue for speeding. The vehicle pulled over onto the large shoulder to the left of the HOV lane. As Master Trooper Hood was walking from the Kia to his motorcycle, a Dodge minivan smashed into the back of the Kia. Master Trooper Hood didn’t hesitate and immediately jumped into action to check on everyone involved while calling for assistance.

The driver of the Kia had “moderate” injuries. The driver of the minivan was from Avondale and had minor injuries. There were two passengers in the minivan who had “moderate” injuries. The driver of the minivan was cited for careless driving causing injury.

“Every day law enforcement officers and other roadway workers put themselves at risk in an effort to improve safety on our roadways,” says Colonel Matthew Packard, Chief of the Colorado State Patrol. “Sadly incidents like these happen with incredible frequency and we are fortunate that a bigger tragedy didn’t play out yesterday on I-25. We are sharing this footage because it underscores the responsibility of drivers to move over and pay attention behind the wheel. There is no excuse for driving past any stopped vehicle at this rate of speed.”
Filmik autorstwa niejakiego DomesticMango. Wrzucam, bo koleś ma smykałkę do tego - doskonała praca kamery i świetny montaż, dzięki którym nie tylko "da się to oglądać", ale i "ogląda się to całkiem przyjemnie".

Muzyka: OVERWERK - Daybreak (GoPro HERO3 Edit)
HD: /watch?v=IDCxaWDKeN4

Żeby było jasne: Mango tworzył ten filmik zupełnie sam. Każda ewolucja, trick, każde ujęcie, i wreszcie wszystkie malowania na samochody, są wykonane przez niego.
Chuj mnie strzyka, że niektórym może przeszkadzać, że "to z gry przecież!" - ja gościa podziwiam za cały nakład pracy przy powstaniu tego filmiku.

(upewniłem się, że tego jeszcze nie było... mam nadzieję, że skutecznie)
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

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  Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów