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Według opisu to już trzecie zabójstwo od niedzieli w tej dzielnicy a ofiara była zamieszana w handel narkotykami.

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Brazil~ Gangster action

MLNS, 18 years old, was cornered by 3 men who prevented his escape. While one of them holds him by his trouser, another approaches and takes at least 5 shots at the boy. Also, a 3rd party was involved, who was ahead of him, also to prevent him from running.

After killing him, the 3 assassins fled on foot. According to information received by police, the victim was involved in drug trafficking.

The homicide is the 3rd to occur in that area since last Sunday.
Talibowie w akcji
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-02, 12:31
Według opisu zastrzelili jakiegoś aktywistę w Dżalalabadzie.

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Taliban kills activist in hi car in Jalalabad

A prominent civil society activist was gunned down in Afghanistan's restive eastern Nangarhar province bordering Pakistan on Tuesday (12.10.2021) amid an ongoing targeted assassination spree.

Eye-witnesses told Anadolu Agency the incident took place during the morning rush hour in the provincial capital, Jalalabad city. Shad Noor, the brother of the deceased activist Abdul Rahmad Mawin, has also confirmed the incident.

According to the local Killid Radio, Mawin was driving his car when the assailants riding an auto-rickshaw opened fire at him before fleeing from the spot in the 4th district of the city.

There has been no claim of responsibility for the attack so far.

With the rise to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the assassination spree has not ceased in the war-ravaged country.

The Taliban last week claimed dismantling a Daesh/ISIS hideout in the capital Kabul, blamed for many of such attacks.

But days after that the group claimed orchestrating targeted killings in Nangarhar and Parwan provinces as well as a massive suicide bombing in a Shia community mosque in the northern Kunduz province, killing more than 50 people.

Prior to that, at least eight people were killed in another Daesh-claimed suicide attack at a mosque in Kabul where people had gathered for a memorial service for the late mother of Zabihullah Mujahid, acting deputy information minister in the interim Taliban administration.