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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie - ostatnia aktualizacja: Wczoraj 19:49
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Według źródła zarobiła 3 kulki.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Military police officers from the program 'Segurança Presente' arrested a man suspected of shooting lawyer Nayara Gilda Gomes Acha Prestes, on Wednesday afternoon (26), inside the Avenida 28 mall, in Campos dos Goytacazes. Security camera recorded the moment and, in the video, it is possible to see the defense reaction of Nayara, who got into a physical fight with the shooter.

According to the Military Police, the suspect is a client of the lawyer. The victim was in her office, on the second floor of a cell phone store inside the mall, when she was approached by the man. According to the video, the gunman entered the scene and then pointed the gun at Nayara, who reacted.

The victim was shot in one of the hands, arm and chest and was rescued to Unimed Hospital. According to information from the mall's press office, shot, the victim asked the security guards for help, who managed to immobilize the man until the arrival of team 6 (the present security motorcycle patrol), which gave the shooter a voice of arrest while still inside the mall. He had the murder weapon in his hand, a revolver. Mall employees reportedly heard four shots. Also according to information from the mall, the suspect entered earlier through the main entrance using a backpack and had lunch in the food court before going to Nayara's office.
Kolumbijska karma
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-27, 9:17
Napastnik dostał wpierdol i teraz w dupę może sobie wsadzić tą pukawkę.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The facts of insecurity in Bucaramanga, Colombia do not stop, this time an attempted robbery was reported that was frustrated by the owner and several barbers of a renowned barbershop.
In the fact that was recorded on security cameras, it is seen how the owner of the establishment managed to disarm the criminal and in the company of several people, including employees of the establishment, manage to detain him and "tenderize" his arse, until the Police arrived.
The criminal was captured by uniformed officers of the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police and his accomplice who was waiting for him on a motorcycle fled the scene.
Ostatnio wysyp jest tych debili z zabawkowymi pukawkami i kolejny posmakował prawdziwego ołowiu. Źródło i link do pełnej wersji.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
This incident occurred around 11:30 p.m. when a convenience store employee called 911 to report a number of customers told him about a man outside with a gun who was threatening to rob the store.

“… But they said that he's flashed a gun and he's talking about robbing the place," said the convenience store employee to the 911 operator.

Two officers in the area arrived on scene about 3 minutes later. They contacted 32-year-old Gary Sherrod who was seated outside the store. Sherrod stood up and officers noticed he had a gun in his hand. The two officers gave multiple commands for Sherrod to drop the gun, which he ignored. Sherrod held the gun in front of his body, moving it around in different directions.

The officers' body worn cameras were activated. However, the views were obstructed at times, including at the time of the shooting.

The officer who fired told investigators Sherrod pointed the weapon in his direction, which resulted in the officer-involved shooting.

Slightly more than a minute elapsed from the time the officers contacted Sherrod to the time of the officer-involved shooting.

After the shooting, officers could see Sherrod no longer had the gun. It was on the ground out of his reach. They moved in to detain him and provided medical aid until the Phoenix Fire Department arrived.

Sherrod was transported to a local hospital to receive treatment for the gunshot wound. He is expected to survive his injuries and upon release from the hospital, will be booked in to jail.
Było blisko.
ifheowna • 2022-01-21, 10:38
Jeszcze trochę i byłby hard.

Najlepszy komentarz (45 piw)
a2711817 • 2022-01-21, 11:46
Co za imbecyl, żeby z takiej odległości nie trafić!
...na policjantów wyskoczył. Źródło i link do pełnej wersji.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
San Diego, California — The San Diego Police Department released video footage of the fatal shooting by three officers of a robbery suspect who allegedly pulled a knife and a pellet gun on them in Logan Heights. The video includes portions of surveillance footage captured about 7:30 a.m. Monday from inside Mullens Market and Liquor in the 3000 block of Imperial Avenue. In it, 21-year-old Isaac Andrade approaches a store clerk at the market’s counter and shows them a large knife he’s holding in his left hand as part of a robbery attempt. Patrol officers investigating the holdup spotted the suspect walking in an alley just south of the scene of the crime, Brown said. As they approached, Andrade alleged reached into his jacket and produced a knife in one hand and what appeared to be a firearm in the other. In response, SDPD Officers Michael Martinez, Michael Muniz and Angel Vidrios shot the suspect. Police and firefighters tried in vain to revive Andrade before paramedics pronounced him dead. The gun that Andrade allegedly pulled turned out to be an airsoft- style pellet pistol, the lieutenant said.