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Mały uzbrojony dindu
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-23, 23:03
Pewnie ma już na koncie pierwsze osiedlowe akcje
Najlepszy komentarz (34 piw)
Adam_WKLADAM • 2021-10-23, 23:08
do odjebania i na obornik go przerobic to chociaz jakas korzysc bedzie z niego
Według opisu wcześniej strzelał do funkcjonariuszy.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Cops Turn suspect in to Swiss Cheese

The Bakersfield Police Department released body camera footage of an officer-involved shooting that left a man dead after a hot pursuit across Southwest Bakersfield. On Saturday, August , 2021, at approximately 12:35 AM, the Bakersfield Police Department received an emergency call for service regarding a disturbance in the 2300 block of Brazil Avenue.

The caller advised that an adult male in a green Chevrolet truck was armed with a firearm. Officers received an additional update that shots had been fired; however, no one had been struck. The suspect fled the area in the green Chevrolet truck. At 12:56 AM, the Bakersfield Police Department received a report of a subject shooting at a security guard in a subdivision construction site northwest of Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road.

The reporting party advised the subject was occupying a green Chevrolet pickup. No one was injured. At 2:32 AM, the Bakersfield Police Department received a report that a subject with a firearm had arrived at a family member's residence in the 4500 block of Blossom Valley Lane. The subject was occupying a green Chevrolet pickup. At approximately 2:50 AM, officers located the suspect's vehicle in the 4700 block of Blossom Valley Lane. Officers were in the process of discussing how to safely approach when the suspect began driving the vehicle.

A two-officer unit near their patrol vehicle caught up with the suspect vehicle and a short pursuit began. The suspect vehicle became disabled just south of Harris Road and Stine Road after the suspect appeared to lose control and struck a barrier wall.

Neither officer in the pursuing patrol vehicle activated their body camera devices during the pursuit which took less than a minute. Based upon the preliminary investigation, including the location of cartridge casings and bullet impacts, the suspect immediately exited his vehicle and fired multiple times at the officers who were exiting their vehicle. The officers returned fire.

Due to the immediacy of the suspect vehicle becoming disabled, short duration of the vehicle pursuit and the suspect immediately firing at officers, they did not activate their body cameras until the first exchange of gunfire had already occurred. Officers confirmed that the suspect had fled the site of the initial exchange of gunfire. Officers and the dispatch center began to receive information from citizens that the suspect had fled over the concrete wall and was moving in the backyards of residences in the 5700 block of Autumn Crest Drive.

Officers learned from a witness that the suspect had discarded a handgun; however, officers had received information earlier that the suspect was in possession of an additional firearm. Officers formed a search team to look for the suspect. This took approximately 15-minutes. At approximately 3:15 AM, officers believed they located the suspect concealed in a trash can in the backyard of a residence.

Three officers discharged their firearms during the second shooting. Officers rendered medical aid to the suspect who succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased by medical personnel. No weapon was found in the suspect's possession. The suspect's firearm was recovered in a nearby backyard in his path of flight and found to have been fired dry.

Additional firearms linked to the suspect were located discarded on Blossom Valley Lane and Brazil Avenue. The suspect was identified as 21-year-old Che Noe Zuniga Jr. of Bakersfield.
Nieudana próba ucieczki
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-13, 12:59
Dali mu szansę, nie skorzystał więc ołów wyjaśnił sprawę. Akcja z 6 października.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Rochester police released body-worn camera footage Tuesday afternoon that shows the deadly encounter between two officers and an armed robbery suspect at the Family Dollar store on West Main Street.

Police released 5 minutes, 33 seconds of redacted footage to the public. They said Simran Gordon, 24, was shot and killed by police after holding the store manager at gunpoint and attempting to rob the business on Oct. 6. Interim Police Chief Cynthia Herriott-Sullivan said Gordon died in an "exchange of gunfire" with police, without elaborating.

In a release accompanying the bodycam video, police said Gordon "fired at least one round from his handgun, which was recovered at the scene."

Because officers didn't know if there were other suspects in the store, they were unable to immediately render first aid to Gordon, RPD said. No one else was injured during the incident.

The state Attorney General's Office is conducting an investigation into the incident. Rochester police stated they are only permitted to "release preliminary information in these cases."

In a press conference, Herriott-Sullivan indicated Gordon is a potential suspect in three open homicides — one from 2020 and a double homicide from June of this year.

In an interview with the Democrat and Chronicle, Gordon's mother, Claudette Gordon, and older sister, Sharlene Smith, were calling for a transparent investigation. Attorney Yousef Taha confirmed the family viewed the unredacted footage Tuesday afternoon before it was released to the public. Taha also said the family has yet to view Gordon's body so that a funeral could be arranged.

This was the third fatal shooting by Rochester police officers in 2021. In addition, a fourth person died last month in an encounter with a U.S. Marshals Service task force.

The video, introduced on camera by police chief Herriott-Sullivan includes a police timeline of events, saying that a store employee calls 911, initially hangs up, and when called back reports: “We’re getting robbed. … There is a male holding the store manager at gunpoint.” That is at 9:33 p.m.. according to police.

Officers are dispatched a minute later with a suspect description of a man in a blue hoodie with a mask on his face.

Officers arrive at 9:35.

The video blurs the other people in the store. Individual officers can typically be identified by the digital stamp/information at the bottom right corner of the video, but that identifying information has also been blurred out.

An officer asks if anyone has a gun, and quickly focuses on a man in a blue hoodie behind the counter, (his face on the video is blurred) standing with both hands in his hoodie pocket with another individual whose full image is blurred.

When told at gunpoint to remove his hands from his pockets, the man says something inaudible.

Within a second or two he runs past the other person to an aisle at the far end of the store. The officer tries to grab the man’s arm but he slips free.

The video then records a series of shots.

In the video, the police video states that the man fired once in the direction of the officer.

Three quick shots, then a fourth, a pause and a fifth shot sounds when the man is on the ground.

Another officer one aisle over then sees the man laying at a gap in the aisle. His head is visible and a brown paper bag with a hole in it. The accompanying police description on the video says that the muzzle of a weapon is visible.

As the firing officer backs away, the second officer kicks the bag away and radios for an ambulance. The man is heard in physical distress, groaning.
Postrzał w twarz
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-09-28, 11:35
Trafił idealnie. Brak więcej info odnośnie miejsca i przyczyn.
Najlepszy komentarz (51 piw)
nwonigers • 2021-09-28, 11:53
budgie73 napisał/a:

Dziki zachód , kto szybszy wygrywa.

a ja tu widze jednego typa wracajacego do domu z jakas paczka? i drugiego typa w swojej pracy, ktora wiadomo jest okradaniem ludzi. ten pierwszy sie zorientowal zauwazyl potem bron i byl szybszy. wiec w sumie brawo dla niego.
Próba zabójstwa biznesmena i jego brata zakończona niepowodzeniem ...

... z powodu dwóch niewypałów z rzędu.
Artiom, azjatycka część Rosji.
Najlepszy komentarz (44 piw)
Lobo24 • 2021-09-27, 21:51
wilkoala napisał/a:

Ty to Lobo jeśli dobrze pamiętam to w szpitalu psychiatrycznym pracowałeś, do tego jeszcze masz kumpla któremu nie wyszedł samobój i lubi sobie wtykać cudze paluchy do oczodołów, do tego masz konto na sadolu...
Ty chyba zostaniesz naszym ekspertem od pojebów.

Nie mniej jednak ekspertem byłbym kiepskim. Od pierwszych dni pracy w psychiatryku powtarzałem, że połowę pacjentów to bym wypuścił a zamknął połowę tych z "normalnego świata". W psychiatryku są czuby ale przerażająco dużo jest osób które przeżyły piekło. W szpitalu paradoksalnie szukają normalności. DDA, z rodzin patologicznych. Po naprawdę chorych akcjach. Do czubkowa trafiasz przeważnie po "Esce" czyli próbie samobójczej. Przywożą codziennie biedaków. Nie raz takie się historie trafiają, że człowiek ze łzami w oczach wychodzi z pracy. Raz przywieźli Sylwię. 21 lat, blondyneczka. Na całym ciele blizny po ranach, przypaleniach. Dużo śladów po biciu. Jak w horrorze. Dziewczyna wyrywała sobie wenflon, trzaskała drzwiami, rzucała przedmiotami. Powód był jeden - chciała żeby ktoś przy niej był. Bałą się zostać sama. Główką co chwilę kręciła na boki i przerażeniem reagowała na głośniejsze dźwięki. Jak przestraszone zwierze.
A tu. W "normalnym świecie" sąsiadka co od dziecka miała wszystko pod nos podstawiane. Kasa, samochód, studia, ciuch, dom.
Dziwi się, że ja z tymi czubami wytrzymuję. Sylwia jak doszła do siebie - cudowna osoba. Sąsiadka potrafi się rozpłakać jak farbowanie włosów przyniesie nieoczekiwany efekt. Ze szlochem jakby ktoś jej umarł i leci do koleżanki.
I kto tu jest nienormalny? Ona nawet 1 dnia by nie wytrzymałą co Sylwia znosiła przez lata i jest. Gorzej z jej matką, bo matka Sylwii na jej oczach rzuciła się pod pociąg.