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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie - ostatnia aktualizacja: 30 minut temu
📌 Konflikt izrealsko-arabski - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 21:41
🔥 Głaskanie misia - teraz popularne


Na Ukrainie w mieście Dniepr niewielka afera.

Kierowca Jaguarda złamał przepisy ruchu drogowego i w trakcie rozmowy doszło do kłótni. Policjant ukraińskiego patrolu zastrzelił mężczyznę.

Nagranie policji

Nagranie patusów

Zdjęcia kopniętej w twarz policjantki

Source twitter.com/SomeGumul/status/1697360978051018858?s=20
Najlepszy komentarz (110 piw)
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-01, 10:30
Zamiast wyłapać kulkę na froncie w bohaterskiej obronie ojczyzny to wyłapał w bohaterskiej obronie karyny. Karma.
PS.Tak przy okazji rocznicy wybuchu II wojny światowej szacun dla wszystkich broniących swojej ojczyzny przed agresorem. 84 lata temu Polacy, teraz Ukraińcy. Nieważne jakiej jesteśmy narodowości - jak ktoś jest kurwą, tchórzem i patusem to będzie taki do końca życia.
Złamana kariera
~_Yarko_ • 2023-08-30, 18:31
Wschodząca gwiazda futbolu Nebraska College.

Najlepszy komentarz (39 piw)
Keritt • 2023-08-30, 20:29
Dali małpie szansę wyjść na ludzi, ale smoluch to smoluch.
Dziadek zmarł na miejscu. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Rowsburg, Ohio — On August 5, 2023, at 7:56 p.m., Ashland County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a call of an armed male in the 200 block of SR 250 East in Rowsburg. When deputies arrived, they located a male, identified as 63-year-old Larry Dunham, sitting in a lawn chair in the back yard with two loaded guns in his lap. Deputies attempted to talk with Dunham as they approached. He threw his cellphone down to the ground, raised one of the pistols up and fired twice at a deputy. Two of the deputies used their service weapons and returned fire striking Dunham. Dunham died due the injuries at the scene. The Sheriff's Office called for assistance and turned the investigation over to the Ohio Bureau Criminal Investigations. No deputies were injured during this incident.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
Will70 • 2023-08-30, 12:48
Nie ważne czy strzelił czy nie. Mial broń w ręku i podnosił ją. Tam nie czekają aż ich rozjebie. Powinien dziadek wiedzieć gdzie mieszka.
Czujny policjant nie dał się jednak zaskoczyć. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Las Vegas, Nevada — On Friday, August 25, 2023, at approximately 1:04 a.m., LVMPD Dispatch received a call from a man stating his sister had battered him. He provided an address to an apartment located in the 3600 block of East Lake Mead Boulevard. A few minutes later his sister 25-year-old Sandra Lopez- Ochoa also reported a domestic disturbance through communications center. Officer Sacba and his partner responded and contacted Lopez-Ochoa’s brother, who was waiting outside of the apartment. After speaking with him, officers had probable cause to arrest Lopez-Ochoa for domestic strangulation. Officer Sacba and his partner contacted Lopez-Ochoa inside of the apartment where she was sitting on a couch in the living room.

After a few minutes of speaking with her, she stood up and an officer grabbed her left arm to place her in handcuffs. Lopez-Ochoa then reached down toward the couch where she was sitting and produced a knife. She quickly turned toward the officer who was holding her arm and stabbed him on top of his head. Lopez-Ochoa then turned toward Officer Sacba while armed with the knife. Officer Sacba drew his firearm and discharged his duty weapon toward Lopez-Ochoa. She was struck by gunfire and fell to the ground. Medical personnel were summoned for both, the officer and for Lopez-Ochoa. The officer was transported to UMC Trauma where he was provided medical treatment. He was later discharged from the hospital and is now home recovering with his family. Lopez-Ochoa was pronounced deceased at the scene by medical personnel.