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Dostawa lodówki
CrazyEdek • 2022-03-28, 19:30
Wnoszę o wymianę.

Najlepszy komentarz (39 piw)
muody1902 • 2022-03-28, 20:05
Przecież niggery tylko wynosić umieją co na filmiku zdaję się potwierdzać

Zrzutka na serwery i rozwój serwisu

Witaj użytkowniku sadistic.pl,

Od czasu naszej pierwszej zrzutki minęło już ponad 7 miesięcy i środki, które na niej pozyskaliśmy wykorzystaliśmy na wymianę i utrzymanie serwerów. Niestety sytaucja związana z niewystarczającą ilością reklam do pokrycia kosztów działania serwisu nie uległa poprawie i w tej chwili możemy się utrzymać przy życiu wyłącznie z wpłat użytkowników.

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 już wpłaciłem / nie jestem zainteresowany
Kanadyjska policja już ustala tożsamość napastnika. Źródło.

ukryta treść
A video shows a man who allegedly pushed a stranger down a flight of stairs at a downtown Vancouver SkyTrain station.

Vancouver Police are releasing a video of an incident that took place just before 5:30 p.m. at Granville SkyTrain station on March 1. A 61-year-old man had a brief interaction with two men in front of the station before one of them followed him into the entrance, according to a news release.

After following the victim inside, the suspect allegedly pushed him down the stairs and then kicked him while he was laying on the ground before passersby intervened.

Police say the suspect fled the area before officers arrived on the scene.

“Given the time of day and the location of the incident, we know there were people in the area who witnessed this assault,” said Const. Tania Visintin. “We also know there will be people who recognize the man in this video, and we’re asking them for help to solve this crime.”

Police are looking for an Indigenous man in his 40s, with short black hair and a slim build. He was wearing a black rain jacket with a small white logo on the left chest, a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, black running shoes and a red, white and blue ball cap.

“The victim suffered minor injuries and was treated on scene by paramedics,” added Visintin.
Według źródła poszkodowana to 62-letnia pielęgniarka a policja już namierzyła 40-letniego napastnika. Źródło.

ukryta treść
A nurse was left with three broken ribs and a broken clavicle after she was thrown down the stairs of a Seattle rail station in a brutal unprovoked attack.

Alexander Jay, 40, was caught on camera repeatedly throwing the victim and then kicking her during the vicious assault, say King County prosecutors.

Police say that the attack was unprovoked and that the 62-tear-old victim needed surgery to fix her broken clavicle.

As she got to her feet after the initial attack, security video shows the victim being grabbed again and thrown down another stretch of the concrete steps.

The suspect then allegedly tried to grab her and throw her for a third time, but the victim is seen clinging to a railing.

After kicking and punching the victim, the suspect then ran up the stairs and fled the scene.

“The male who assaulted her was in the same car on the light rail train with her, facing her,” a detective stated in the probable cause certificate.

“She was standing, and he was seated. They had no interaction or confrontation. He continued to pull his mask down while on the light rail, and she got a good look at his face. The cross (tattoo) on his face stood out to her, and she recognized him as the same male who later assaulted her.”

A security guard eventually came to the woman’s aid

The suspect was arrested by Seattle police the day after the attack and faces arraignment on second-degree assault on 24 March, according to KIRO7.

As of Monday he remains in prison on a $150,000 bail.

Court documents state that the suspect has criminal convictions in the state of Washington including burglary, theft, selling stolen property and several instances of domestic violence.

He also has prior convictions in California for theft, drug possession, auto theft and burglary.

Courts in Washington have issued more than 15 bench warrants for the suspect failing to attend hearings.
Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
nowynick • 2022-03-17, 12:31
jeśli zrobił to rzeczywiście niesprowokowany to szkoda czasu i pieniędzy na leczenie czy resocjalizację, bo nigdy nie będzie można go puścić wolno będąc pewnym, że kogoś znów nie spróbuje zajebać... kula w łeb i do rzeki...
Poślizgnął się
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-03-05, 20:10
Pierdoła poleciała.
Najlepszy komentarz (22 piw)
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-03-05, 22:49
Cycu320 napisał/a:

Byś huju obszczany zamiast punktował to dodałbys jakieś materiały za Ukraińców zesrany zjebany kutasiarzu obsrany

Zapomniałeś dodać ,,zarzygany" cycu
Akcja z Nowego Jorku, kolor skóry napastnika przypadkowo nieco ciemnawy. Źródło.

ukryta treść
A 57-year-old woman was hit in the head with a hammer several times and robbed in one of the latest violent crimes in a New York subway station, police said.
Police are searching for a suspect who kicked the woman and struck her "numerous times" and fled on foot with her purse, New York Police Department Chief of Detectives James Essig said at a news conference Friday afternoon.
The woman's family identified her as Nina Rothschild, a scientist for the New York City Department of Health. She was attacked just 15 minutes after leaving work, police said.

A 57-year-old woman was hit in the head with a hammer several times and robbed in one of the latest violent crimes in a New York subway station, police said.
Police are searching for a suspect who kicked the woman and struck her "numerous times" and fled on foot with her purse, New York Police Department Chief of Detectives James Essig said at a news conference Friday afternoon.
The woman's family identified her as Nina Rothschild, a scientist for the New York City Department of Health. She was attacked just 15 minutes after leaving work, police said.

The woman was attacked about 11 p.m. Thursday by a 6-foot tall male wearing a dark jacket, blue jeans and holding a cane, Essig said.
"This is an unprovoked, brutal and appalling crime on a woman who was just trying to get home after a day's work," Essig said.
Rothschild, who was bleeding from her brain, was taken to Cornell Medical Center with a fractured skull and lacerations to her face, Essig said.

She has had part of her skull replaced with wire mesh, according to her brother, Gerson Rothschild. She also has a drop foot, a condition where the patient is unable to lift their foot. It is unclear whether it was nerve damage or a mental block, he said.
"Of course, I can't wish this on someone else, it shouldn't happen to anyone," Gerson Rothschild told CNN on Saturday. "I wish it wasn't my sister, but we have to deal with what we have."
The sibling pair lost their parents within 29 days of each other in 2000.
"It's just Nina and me, basically it's just the two of us," Gerson Rothschild said. "Little brother will do whatever he can to protect big sister."
Zlot czarownic
Driver19cm • 2022-02-20, 17:07
Kochanego ciała nigdy za wiele

Najlepszy komentarz (70 piw)
octave25 • 2022-02-20, 17:50

Na barana
~_Yarko_ • 2022-02-19, 15:42

Nawoj, Uzbekistan.
53-letni mężczyzna zmarł w wyniku upadku z ruchomych schodów w centrum handlowym, jego trzyletnia wnuczka przeżyła i trafiła do szpitala.
Najlepszy komentarz (53 piw)
Znawca_Cipek • 2022-02-19, 16:37
Was kiedy kto nosil na barana....Przeciez on trzymal dziecko na rekach, a nie na barana!
Wejście z przytupem ..
~McSadol • 2022-02-16, 22:04
.. pełna gracja ..

Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
Sokole_Oko • 2022-02-17, 0:44
I do tego tresowana...
Pewnie za każdym razem jak dostanie w ryj to od razu pozycję wytresowaną przyjmuje

Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:

  Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów
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