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Taki był plan
~_Yarko_ • 2022-10-18, 10:01
Ja rabuję, ty zorganizuj transport.

Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
OldMann • 2022-10-18, 10:04
uwielbiam takie filmiki
W USA po staremu - hamburger hamburgerem hamburgerowi
A................a • 2022-10-06, 0:39
Jak szybko stracic prace bedac hamburgerem ? Wystarczy zastrzelic hamburgera pozywiajacego sie swoim krewnym z McDonalda. Akcja miala miejsce w Texasie.

Source: Police Activity

+ pelna historia po hamerykansku

* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
San Antonio, Texas — On Sunday, October 2, 2022, at around 10:30 p.m., San Antonio Police officer, James Brennand, handling a disturbance at the McDonald’s at 11700 Blanco Road noticed a vehicle in the parking lot he believed had fled from him during an attempted stop the night before. The vehicle, which was not related to the disturbance call, was occupied by a male, 17-year-old driver driver, later identified as Eric Cantu and a female passenger.

The Officer abruptly opened the Cantu’s door and ordered him out of the car. The officer reported that he was hit by the open door as Cantu started to reverse the vehicle. The officer then stepped back and opened fire on the vehicle as Cantu continued to reverse away from him. Cantu shifted the vehicle to drive and then turned away from the Officer to leave. The Officer shot several times at the fleeing vehicle and then ran after the vehicle. Cantu suffered multiple gunshot wounds, he was transported to University Hospital, where he underwent surgery. His passenger was uninjured. Cantu was charged with evading detention in a vehicle and assault on a peace officer.

Following an internal review, Brennard's employment with San Antonio Police Department was terminated. San Antonio Police Chief William McManus has determined that the actions of the probationary officer during this critical incident were in violation of departmental tactics, training, and procedures. The Department's Shooting Team is finalizing its investigation and will forward its findings to the Bexar County District Attorney’s office for an independent investigation.The investigation remains ongoing.
Najlepszy komentarz (27 piw)
Terminantor • 2022-10-06, 2:08
Sayoko napisał/a:

Za tą akcje to raczej strata pracy to najmniejszy jego problem...dostanie zastrzyk jak nic.

powinni go bez sądu odjebać... każdy by zareagował ucieczką gdyby jakiś typ otworzyłby mu drzwi i próbował go wyciągnąć z auta... a reszta, to po prostu nieudana egzekucja...
Narkoman kontra CV
phrontch • 2022-10-04, 22:59
Chłopaki i dziewczyna z Comando Vermelho, postanowili bardzo łagodnie obejść się z bezdomnym 38-latkiem zidentyfikowanym jako Jucelino dos Santos. Akcja miała miejsce oczywiście w Manaus, w bairro Nossa Senhora das Graças, a pan Jucelino tym razem trafia tylko do poczekalni, a nie na harda, a jak się postaracie, to nawet do sucharów

ochrona imponuje swoim zaangażowaniem poprawiając dywanik...
Najlepszy komentarz (38 piw)
lewanmich1 • 2022-10-02, 11:28
Ochroniarz w tej sytuacji zachował się wzorcowo. Może Polak z pochodzenia?