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 już wpłaciłem / nie jestem zainteresowany Link do Zrzutki
Ciężkie jest życie dealera.
JJ86 • 2023-11-26, 9:28

Najlepszy komentarz (36 piw)
człowiek_zły • 2023-11-26, 9:46
Raz się najebałem koło południa i usnąłem. Wstaję późnym popołudniem a w telefonie 30 smsów i 70 połączeń nieodebranych. Jak handlujesz crackiem i heroiną, to będą przychodzić. Jak handlujesz ziołem, to wystarczy wyciszyć telefon i z bani.
Wdawanie się w strzelaninę z policją to bardzo zły pomysł. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Brooklyn, New York — On November 10, 2022, at approximately 10:10 p.m. 42-year-old Jermaine Hickson was involved in a dispute with another person inside of an apartment during which time he discharged a firearm. There were no injuries. Following the dispute, Hickson left the location and walked to the corner of West 36th Street and Neptune Avenue. While en route to that location, on West 36th Street, Hickson again discharged one shot from his firearm in the direction of two civilians, which also resulted in no injuries. As a result of Hickson discharging the firearm, several civilian witnesses called 9-1-1 to report his actions. Audio of the 911 call follows. At approximately 10:18 PM, Police Officer Frein and Police Officer Rossiter, attired in uniform and driving a marked NYPD vehicle, arrived at the intersection of West 36th Street and Neptune Avenue.

At the same time, Police Officer Tatar and Police Officer Petronis, attired in uniform and driving an unmarked NYPD vehicle, while travelling on West 36th Street toward Neptune Avenue were directed toward the intersection of that location by civilian witnesses. As Police Officer Frein and Police Officer Rossiter arrived at the intersection of West 36th Street and Neptune Avenue, Hickson, from the southwest sidewalk, began to discharge shots at the officers. Ballistic evidence recovered from the scene revealed that Hickson discharged at least seven shots from his firearm. In response, Police Officer Frein discharged eight shots from his service firearm, and Police Officer Rossiter discharged twelve shots from his service firearm.

As these events unfolded, Sergeant Geovani Sanchez and Police Officer Khurram Zubair, attired in uniform and utilizing an unmarked NYPD vehicle arrived at the location. During the exchange of gunfire, Sergeant Sanchez discharged one shot from his service firearm. In addition, as Hickson opened fire on Police Officer Frein and Police Officer Rossiter, Police Officer Tatar and Police Officer Petronis arrived at the location. During the exchange of gunfire, Police Officer Tatar discharged ten shots from his service firearm. Hickson was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground unconscious. Following lifesaving measures by the officers, Hickson was pronounced deceased at the scene. Hickson's firearm, a Century Arms - Canik TP9 Elite 9MM, was recovered at the scene of the incident during this investigation.
Pajacował z bronią więc nie mogło się to inaczej skończyć. Źródło i link do całości.

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Louisville, Kentucky — On Monday, November 13th, 2023, around 2:30 p.m., LMPD 4th Division Officers were dispatched to a domestic violence run in the 1000 block of Beecher Street. When officers arrived on scene at the home, they encountered a male suspect, identified as 38-year-old Jaron Bobbitt, sitting in a vehicle in a driveway. Bobbitt was armed with an AR-style pistol. Bobbitt then led officers on a foot chase through a densely populated neighborhood. The officers repeatedly commanded Bobbitt to drop the weapon. Bobbitt refused to comply despite being told to drop the gun multiple times.

An LMPD officer discharged his weapon striking Bobbitt when Bobbitt pointed the loaded AR-style pistol at the officer. Officers immediately rendered life-saving aid. Bobbitt stated to officers that the firearm was a “toy gun". Investigators discovered that the gun was not a toy and was, in fact, fully loaded with live ammunition. Medics transported Bobbitt to University of Louisville Hospital, where he was treated for his injuries and released the next day on Tuesday, November 14th. The domestic violence victim sustained multiple injuries to include a knot on forehead, a bruised and black left eye, and pain and swelling to the back of her head. Bobbitt is facing multiple charges for causing the victim's injuries and fleeing from officers.
Gnojek rozrabiaka. Źródło i link do całości.

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Sandy, Utah — On November 9, 2023, at 7:30 a.m. the Sandy Police Department said the unidentified 16-year-old stole a U.S. Army van from an Army recruiting building on 9400 South in Sandy. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle in South Jordan, but the suspect fled, and officers did not pursue. Hours later, a person called 9-1-1 and reported a teenager driving a U.S. Army van through the neighborhood and asking for gas. officers tried to stop the vehicle again. At that moment, officers found the teen followed him through Sandy, unsuccessfully trying tire spikes at a few locations to stop him.

On Monroe Street, an officer approached the driver, yelling, “Get out of the car now! Get out of the car now! Get out of the car now!” Police said the suspect backed up, made a U-Turn and started driving into oncoming traffic before hitting a motorcyclist who was severely injured. Two officers then followed the teen suspect into a dead-end area. Officers then attempted to block the suspect’s escape as he turned the vehicle around. The driver of the van then veered toward an officer and the officer opened fire in an attempt to stop the vehicle, wounding the driver. The driver stopped the vehicle after bumping into a police vehicle. Officers are seen removing the teen from the van and laying him on the ground. The teen was transported to the hospital where he later died of his injuries.
Pani o wdzięcznym imieniu Kevhani Camilla Hicks znana także jako Key Vhani znalazła gdzieś łańcuchy i jak to murzyn po założeniu ich zaczęła rapować. Pewnego wieczoru rozmawiała ze swoim menagerem i o coś się pokłócili. Kevhani w obawie o swoje życie wyciągnęła klamkę i odjebała menadżera na miejscu. Jej adwokat zagrał kartą rasową i potwierdza że ona biedna Dindu Nuffin, Sze Łas a Good Gerl, Want to Goł to Kolydż i w ogóle to oczywista samoobrona była .

A jak było naprawdę możemy ocenić dzięki pojawieniu się filmu z motoringu.

Ewidentna samoobrona. W dodatku jakiś wstrętny biały suprematysta, w dodatku w białym samochodzie ją rozjechał. Na szczęście nasza małpka wyszła za kaucją i napisała na insta oświadczenie dla swoich fanów:


Dzień dobry wszystkim moim zwolennikom i fanom! W końcu jestem w domu po doświadczeniu czegoś tak traumatycznego i zmieniającego życie. Mam 3 złamane żebra i siniaki na całym ciele, więc obecnie dochodzę do siebie i odpoczywam” – napisała. „Chcę tylko osobiście podziękować wszystkim, którzy mnie wspierają i wiedzą, że nie jestem okropną osobą jak niektórzy twierdzą . Nie mogę w ogóle komentować tej sprawy, ale modlę się, abyście wszyscy nadal byli przy mnie i wspierali mnie w tym tragicznym czasie. Kocham was wszystkich na zabój!

Jak widać jak typowy murzyn w dodatku kobieta bardzo się przejęła tym że z zimną krwią odjebała człowieka. W końcu najważniejsze jest to jak ona się czuje i jej siniaki na całym ciele oraz to że niektórzy nie wiedzieć czemu źle o niej mówią

ukryta treść

ukryta treść
Sam się prosił.
Najlepszy komentarz (33 piw)
szaman1991 • 2023-11-18, 0:15
onucek napisał/a:

biały powinien mieć odpowiedni przyrząd miotający z dużą prędkością małe kulki zrobione z metalu.... i po sprawie

biały w tym wypadku to kawał zwykłej pizdy i niech spierdala
Próbował fikać ale szybciutko go sprowadzili do parteru. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Fresno, California — On Thursday, October 5, 2023, shortly before 12:30 a.m., officers from the Fresno Police Department’s Northwest Policing District responded to a convenience store in the 5600 block of North Fig Garden Drive regarding a report of a stabbing victim. While officers arrived and provided first aid to the victim, witnesses provided a description of the suspect. The Fresno Police Department’s helicopter, Air1, located a subject matching the description in a nearby church parking lot. Assisting officers responded to the parking lot to make contact. Officers located the subject, later identified as 45-year-old Samuel Davidson-Rollin, in the parking lot.

While maintaining a safe distance, officers made contact with him. Davidson-Rollin approached the officers, carrying both a knife and a canister of pepper spray. Despite commands from the officers, Davidson-Rollin did not stop approaching the officers nor drop the weapons he held. Davidson-Rollin continued advancing towards officers, spraying pepper spray at them. When Davidson-Rollin reached a distance of approximately 10 feet from the officers, two officers discharged their firearms. Officers provided aid to Davidson-Rollin, who was transported to CRMC for treatment of his injuries. Davidson-Rollin is expected to survive his injuries.
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:

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