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phrontch • 2023-09-11, 14:10
Weź no strzel parę popisów na szosie

Czujny policjant nie dał się jednak zaskoczyć. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Las Vegas, Nevada — On Friday, August 25, 2023, at approximately 1:04 a.m., LVMPD Dispatch received a call from a man stating his sister had battered him. He provided an address to an apartment located in the 3600 block of East Lake Mead Boulevard. A few minutes later his sister 25-year-old Sandra Lopez- Ochoa also reported a domestic disturbance through communications center. Officer Sacba and his partner responded and contacted Lopez-Ochoa’s brother, who was waiting outside of the apartment. After speaking with him, officers had probable cause to arrest Lopez-Ochoa for domestic strangulation. Officer Sacba and his partner contacted Lopez-Ochoa inside of the apartment where she was sitting on a couch in the living room.

After a few minutes of speaking with her, she stood up and an officer grabbed her left arm to place her in handcuffs. Lopez-Ochoa then reached down toward the couch where she was sitting and produced a knife. She quickly turned toward the officer who was holding her arm and stabbed him on top of his head. Lopez-Ochoa then turned toward Officer Sacba while armed with the knife. Officer Sacba drew his firearm and discharged his duty weapon toward Lopez-Ochoa. She was struck by gunfire and fell to the ground. Medical personnel were summoned for both, the officer and for Lopez-Ochoa. The officer was transported to UMC Trauma where he was provided medical treatment. He was later discharged from the hospital and is now home recovering with his family. Lopez-Ochoa was pronounced deceased at the scene by medical personnel.
Zatrzymanie stritrejsera
Dyngus • 2023-08-22, 13:50
Zdecydowane ruchy policjanta z Atlanty.

Najlepszy komentarz (42 piw)
mygyry • 2023-08-22, 14:05
Ten upośledzony murzyn musi drzeć ten głupi ryj jakby mu się płyta zacięła?
Źródło podaje, że zatrzymali go za jazdę po pijaku. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Merced County, California — On March 11, 2023, a Merced County Sheriff’s deputy detained Louis Jackson following a crash in which he was suspected of driving under the influence, according to the Merced County District Attorney’s Office. Former Sergeant, 42-year-old Dustin Witt responded to the scene to assist and during the encounter, Witt kicked Jackson in the head several times, according to the distinct attorney’s office. By June, Witt resigned after the Sheriff's Office launched an internal affairs investigation. Witt has been charged with assault by a public officer, assault likely to cause great bodily injury and an enhancement for inflicting great bodily injury.

Witt was still serving as a deputy despite a 2019 demotion and misdemeanor conviction following a drunken brawl during which he and another deputy, who was also a Merced City Council member, beat up another peace officer and a bystander. The bar brawl on Dec. 15, 2018, followed a Sheriff’s Office Christmas party where Witt admitted to “heavy drinking,” according to the Merced Sun-Star.
Kolejny bohater bez peleryny
~Velture • 2023-08-15, 13:46
Jebany miał więcej farta niż zdawał sobie z tego sprawę

Najlepszy komentarz (29 piw)
mazga50 • 2023-08-15, 15:25
Jakiś debil zdejmował obciążenie z drugiej strony.
A panu brawa za refleks, bo bark poszedłby w pizdu.
Krokodylkom też czasami zdarzy się być w odpowiednim miejscu i czasie.
Najlepszy komentarz (48 piw)
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-08-10, 18:08
DonKutassinio napisał/a:

Kurwa jak widzę takie nagrania chuj mnie strzela, z czego się cieszycie pojeby? "teren zabudowany" - 4 domy na krzyż, pola las. Cały czas dwa szerokie chodniki, dwie drogi rowerowe, dwa pasy zieleni, wszystko min 2m i kurwa 50km/h przecież to jest kurwa pozbawione sensu, jakim trzeba być kretynem żeby akceptować takie tresowanie kierowców? ale się uniosłem.

Zawsze może ci wylecieć na to przejście jakiś dzieciak. Trochę wyobraźni kierowniku. Mistrz z passeratti mógł spokojnie poczekać z tym manewrem.
Konduktorzy cali także jest ok.

Najlepszy komentarz (58 piw)
~Velture • 2023-07-29, 16:15
hue hue hue