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Czekoladowy nożownik
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-11-17, 16:46
Z nożem na strzelaninę przyszedł. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Los Angeles, California — On October 14, 2023, at around 1:30 a.m., Central Division uniformed officers were in the area of South Broadway and 7th Street, when they were flagged down by a community member, directing them to a man armed with a knife. The officers located the suspect, later identified as 47-year-old Earl Callier, and ordered him to drop the knife. Callier refused to comply with commands and continued walking north on South Broadway toward 6th Street while still holding the knife. Officers deployed 40mm Less-Lethal-Launchers (LLL), which were ineffective, and Callier ran north on South Broadway.

Callier continued east on 6th Street toward a group of pedestrians, when officers deployed an additional 40mm LLL. Still armed with the knife, Callier ran into the street and charged at an officer, resulting in an Officer-Involved Shooting. Callier was struck by gunfire and fell to the ground, where he was subsequently taken into custody without further incident. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to the scene and transported Callier by rescue ambulance to a local hospital where he is listed in stable condition. No officers or other community members were injured as result of this incident. A kitchen-style knife, with a five-inch serrated blade, was recovered at scene and booked as evidence.
Dindu jak zwykle nic nie zrobił. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Naugatuck, Connecticut — On October 14, 2023, Naugatuck Police Officers got a call for shoplifting at Stop and Shop in Naugatuck when 33-year-old Jarrell Day of Waterbury attempted to steal over $200 worth of beer. During the course of that theft, it was updated to a robbery charge due to the fact that there was an altercation between store staff and the suspect in question. In police body camera video, Detective Williams can be seen approaching the suspect's car and ordering both occupants out of the vehicle. The car takes off, hitting a police cruiser while driving away. A second video, taken from Officer Kehoss' body camera, shows Kehoss driving after the fleeing vehicle and finding it crashed into a pole a short distance away. Officer Kehoss chased Day and ordered him to stop before pulling out a stun gun and telling him to get on the ground. The officer then deploys the stun gun, causing Day to fall to the ground. The officer ordered Day to roll onto his stomach. When Day didn't comply, Kehoss electrified the stun gun again.

He did so one more time after asking the suspect to put his hands behind his back. After the incident, Officer Kehoss’ supervisors reviewed the video and brought it to the attention of the Office of the State’s Attorney. That office then directed the Connecticut State Police to investigate to determine if criminal charges needed to be brought against the officer. On October 30, 2023, Officer Nicholas Kehoss turned himself in to Troop A in Southbury on an active arrest warrant Monday, charging him with intentional cruelty to persons and third-degree assault. Officer Kehoss was released on a $50,000 bond and is scheduled to appear at (GA4) Waterbury Superior Court on November 11, 2023. Day was charged with attempted second-degree assault, third-degree robbery, assault on police, illegal possession of a weapon in a vehicle, second-degree larceny, reckless driving, operating under suspension and evading responsibility. He was held on $200,000 bond after the arrest.
Strzał w plecy
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-10-15, 20:21
Akcja z Holandii. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (95 piw)
spicycreampasta • 2023-10-15, 23:11
Szanowni wyborcy KO, PSL, Lewicy i innych lewackich skurwiałych tworów. Będziecie to kurwa mieli w Polsce, wy jebane tłuczki do mięsa
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:

  Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów