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ukryta treść
Brooklyn, New York — On October 27, 2023, New York City Police Officers responded to a 911 call of a male with a firearm at Neptune Avenue in West 20th Street within the confines of the 60th Precinct. Bodycam shows an officer open the passenger-side door of a car while a 34-year-old man is sitting there with his hand on a gun. The officers shouted for the man to drop the gun before one officer pulled him out of the vehicle. As several officers tried to remove the gun from the suspect's hand, a shot was fired. No one was injured and the officers were eventually able to get the gun away from the man and take him into custody. Officials reveal that the person who was disarmed, shot a female at an earlier point.
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
flejtuch • 2023-11-29, 8:47
Jak małpa miała klamkę to od razu odjebać w czynie społecznym
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-10-30, 18:55
Typowy dzień na drogach u skośnych.
Najlepszy komentarz (24 piw)
donkapusta • 2023-10-30, 19:13
Zasłonili kierowcy oczy?