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Nożownik z Mannheim
servus124 • 2023-12-26, 13:41
23,12,2023 Pewien jegomosc, brak info o narodowosci, postanowil grozic nozem policjantom. Cala akcja dziala sie w miescie Mannheim(Badenia-Wirtembergia). Zmarl w szpitalu.

Wypowiedz jego corki :
Zmarły ojciec od zawsze miał problemy psychiczne i był już znany policji. Mimo to „nie zrobiłby nic nikomu'' . Nie moze zrozumieć, że jej ojciec musiał umrzeć.

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W klasycznym amerykańskim stylu czyli przy pomocy policjantów. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Brooklyn, NY — On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at approximately 7:00 a.m., Police Officer Santiago and Police Officer Nicholas Brush were on routine patrol in the vicinity of Bay 44th Street and Cropsey Avenue, in a marked NYPD vehicle equipped with a license plate reader. At that time, while traveling on Bay 44th Street, the officers were alerted by the license plate reader that they passed a black 2022 Honda HRV that was being sought in connection with a double homicide. Police Officer Santiago and Police Officer Brush confirmed that the Honda HRV was the same vehicle involved in the double homicide. Upon approach on foot, the officers discovered that the vehicle was occupied by 47-year-old Jason Pass, who was seated in the driver seat.

The officers conversed with Pass for several minutes while they continued to investigate the wanted vehicle. As the officers conducted their investigation, Pass exited the vehicle and began to flee on foot. As he fled, Pass brandished a knife. Police Officer Santiago and Police Officer Brush pursued Pass on foot for approximately half a block. During this time, Police Officer Cardieri, Police Officer Iversen, Police Officer Massoni, Police Officer Terranova, and additional officers arrived at the scene. The officers ordered Pass to stop and drop his knife. However, he ran towards the officers while brandishing his knife, before retreating to the front of 187 Bay 44th Street where he remained. The officers conversed with Pass for approximately 28 minutes, during which time they repeatedly asked him to disarm himself and surrender. However, Pass refused and charged at the officers while brandishing his knife.

As a result, five Police Officers assigned to patrol in the 60th Precinct and attired in uniform, discharged a total of 17 shots from their service firearms. Police Officer Santiago discharged two shots from his service firearm; Police Officer Cardieri discharged five shots from his service firearm; Police Officer Iversen discharged four shots from his service firearm; Police Officer Massoni discharged one shot from his service firearm; and Police Officer Terranova discharged five shots from his service firearm. Pass was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground. He transported via ambulance to NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn where he was pronounced deceased. The subject's knife was recovered at the scene of the incident during this investigation.
Kolejny kretyn myślał, że wygra z policjantami. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Bronx, NY — On September 9, 2023, around 2:10 p.m., 22-year-old Mamady Cisse, was pacing around the Throgs Neck 7-Eleven when an employee stepped outside momentarily. The employee returned to find Cisse behind the cashier counter with a knife, standing beside a female employee who looked “very nervous,” while he was removing merchandise from behind the counter. The employee flagged down two officers at the 45 Precinct just down the block. The New York PD officers entered the store. Officer Nunez gave several commands to Cisse inside the location to take his hands out of his sweatshirt pocket. Cisse didn’t say anything to the officers, but revealed a knife and “lunged” at Officer Nunez. Officer Nunez shot Cisse once in the torso. Cisse was taken to Jacobi Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 3:14 p.m.. Officers recovered knives at the scene.

ciężki do zajebania jak kot...
Najlepszy komentarz (58 piw)
cavern69 • 2023-12-14, 14:59
10 pestek wpakował w kolesia a potem krzyczy że próbuje mu pomóc

Niezły żartowniś.
Łobuz kocha najmocniej
Macx83wwww • 2023-12-05, 16:35
Brazylia, Porto Velho

Kobieta podźgana przez męża, który już siedział w więzieniu za zabójstwo poprzedniej żony

Musieli się nim zająć policjanci. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Queens, New York — On Thursday, April 13, 2023, at approximately 3:44p.m., 59-year-old Richard Moncrieffe was observed by civilian witnesses acting erratic and in possession of a knife in front of 89-62 164th Street, Queens, the First Presbyterian Church. He was approached by the security guard of the church at which point Moncrieffe stabbed him in the torso. Witnesses then called 911 to report the stabbing. Following the call to 911, Police Officer Daniel Gennaro and Police Officer Garret Poliey responded to the location. When the officers arrived, Moncrieffe was seated on the front steps of the church, still in possession of the knife.

Police Officer Gennaro and Police Officer Poliey shouted to Moncrieffe for him to drop his knife, however, he rose to his feet and began to charge at the officers. As a result, Police Officer Gennaro discharged two shots from his service firearm and Police Officer Poliey discharged two shots from his service firearm. Moncrieffe was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground. He was subsequently taken into custody and taken from the scene via ambulance to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center where he was treated for his injuries. For his actions, Moncrieffe was arrested and charged with Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, Assault in the First Degree, Menacing a Police Officer, Criminal Possession of a Weapon Fourth Degree, and related charges.
Taki psychol powinien być utylizowany na miejscu bez wyroku sądu.
Najlepszy komentarz (62 piw)
e................s • 2023-11-30, 22:23
Baronessa napisał/a:

Oho, chyba były nie mógł pogodzić się, że jego ex daje dupy innemu, a dzieci mają nowego tatusia... Szanuję typa.

najgorsze frajerstwo tak ulec emocjom. W takich sytuacjach się bierze dupę w troki, skupia na własnym życiu, edukuje się, rozwija, robi hajs, kupuje zajebistą chatę i kilka fur, nakurwia się jebane martwe ciągi, robi się formę życia, kładzie się większych od siebie kozaków na macie, a potem patrzy, jak była sama próbuje odnowić kontakt, bo przecież w sumie to głupio wyszło, a potem zlewa się ją jak wodę po ziemniakach.

Dobra dobra, już wstaję, zesrałem się i gówno wiem. Idę dalej nakurwiać w warcrafta w swojej piwnicy i walić konia do anime
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

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