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Nie chciał rozmawiać
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-01-28, 21:57
Chcieli dać mu szanse ale on nie skorzystał a potem standardowo bolało. Źródło i link do pełnej wersji.

Oryginalny opis:
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* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Millville, New Jersey — The state Attorney General’s Office released the footage of the moments before an officer fatally shot a city man holding what police have described as a machete outside a home earlier this month. Police were called to a house on Burns Street about 9:30 p.m. and encountered 33-year-old Daniel Ackley, who was holding the machete. According to the preliminary investigation, the shooting occurred shortly after 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 4 outside a residence on Burns Road in Millville. Officers of the Millville Police Department responded to 911 calls reporting an emergency at the residence. After officers arrived, they encountered Mr. Ackley holding a machete outside the house. As Mr. Ackley advanced toward the officers with the machete, Officer Timothy Rehmann discharged his service weapon, fatally wounding Mr. Ackley. Officers and emergency medical personnel rendered first aid to Mr. Ackley, and he was airlifted to Cooper University Hospital, where he was pronounced deceased at 10:56 p.m.
...a mógł grzecznie siedzieć w domku. Według źródła 24-latek w krytycznym stanie trafił do szpitala. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Three men are charged after a shootout with Chicago police that left one of them critically injured Wednesday night.

Chicago police said officers were attempting to stop a car that had been taken in a carjacking with three men inside. After pulling the car over, as officers approached the vehicle, there was an exchange of gunfire, according to CPD.

Edgardo Perez, 24, was shot by police and taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in critical but stable condition. He is now charged with attempted first degree murder of a Chicago police officer.

The two other people in the car were taken into custody. Jesse Sanchez, 21, and Noel Centeno, 20, are also now facing felony charges for alleged possession of a stolen vehicle and weapons charges.

Two weapons were recovered, police said, a pistol with a laser sight and a revolver.

Video obtained by the ABC7 I-Team from law enforcement sources shows the dramatic confrontation as it happened when Chicago police shot a man in the heart of downtown Wednesday night.

The shooting happened around 8:45 p.m. near Lower Wacker Drive and Columbus Drive, an area which is heavily traveled both ways near the Chicago River.

No officers were shot, but a 34-year-old officer and a 30-year-old officer were taken to local hospitals to be treated for minor injuries, according to police.

The age and gender of the people in custody have not been released.

The scene cleared about 4:30 a.m. Thursday, and a car riddled with bullet holes was towed away.

Video from a police POD cam shows the first officer come to the passenger-side window, then go down for cover, either seeing a gun or responding to suspect gunfire, before getting back up to help other officers.

The Civilian Office of Police Accountability said it was responding to the shooting.
...bo by ją tam opierdoliły razem z kośćmi.
Najlepszy komentarz (42 piw)
Juzwa • 2022-01-28, 9:08
Takie watahy kundli powinny być treningiem dla myśliwych. Odstrzał i niech kurwy gniją na powietrzu. A jak właściciel dymi, to mu chujowi grubym śrutem po nogach!
Według źródła po ataku na funkcjonariuszy chłopaki już czekają na deportację. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
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Four migrants arrested for assaulting carabineros in Iquique were sent to preventive detention for 90 days. Since the case is being prosecuted and the penalties to which they are exposed will start at 5 years and one day, they cannot be expelled by the Government, as they wish.
This Wednesday afternoon, Four Venezuelan migrants who attacked carabineros in Iquique were formally sent to preventive detention for 90 days.
the prosecutor Eduardo Ríos indicated that the cases filed were four for Treating the work of one carabinero, serious injury and two for micro-trafficking.
This morning, the Ministry of the Interior announced that it had ordered the expulsion of the group. However, the prosecutor announced that this would not be possible, as the case was being prosecuted.
“The only way for them to be expelled is for them to be sentenced to a sentence of less than five years and the Oral Guarantee Court has ordered that they be expelled”. He also made a comment about a similar situation in the US over a year ago, when brainwashed communists decided to attack the Capitol in the US on January 06, leaving one brainwashed communist dead in the hand of a police officer and

;he explained.
In this way, threatening to be sentenced to 5 years and one day, expelling them from the country is no longer possible"He also made a comment over a similar situation in the US where communists anchor-children communists, born there, defending a one 'no-body' individual, attacked police officers at the Capitol of the US and where one of those communists was shot and killed by a police officer protecting the constitution.
Policyjne szkolenie
phrontch • 2022-01-24, 20:04
Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais testuje, czy kandydaci na policjantów nie są miękkimi pizdami spod znaku LGBT

Najlepszy komentarz (39 piw)
Krakus36 • 2022-01-24, 20:40
i co to ma pokazać... taki znieważony jeszcze bardziej będzie nosić urazę i w końcu wbije nóż w plecy lub sprzeda resztę ... Popierdolone takie metody każdy powinien być sobie bratem móc zaufać drugiemu a przy fali chuja a nie zaufanie ... a co do czy nie miękka pipa to itak jak nawet twardziela tam kartel dopadnie to będzie ryczał o kulkę w łeb... ucinanie kończyn na żywca, zostawianie truchła przed domem rodzinnym, palenie żywcem, wybebeszenie.
Z całą pewnością nie byli to politycy siedzący w Brukseli i wymyślający kolejne bzdurne przepisy i restrykcje których sami nie przestrzegają.
Najlepszy komentarz (54 piw)
notak • 2022-01-24, 11:51
to protesty przeciwko paszportom covid,
też już mam dość tych pojebanych obostrzeń, choć antyszczepionkowcem nie jestem, bo to kwestia własnego wyboru
...i zapierdolił w dwa radiowozy zanim go złapali. Dziadek wyemigrował i we wnuczku obudził się polski temperament? Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A Camden County man is accused of stealing an Atlantic City police transport van and ramming two patrol cars shortly after he was released from police custody on attempted burglary of a police car.

Video captured by a resident’s surveillance camera shows officers running from their vehicles as the van backed up into the patrol cars as the driver was cornered on North Iowa Avenue.

A concerned citizen first alerted police at about 7:20 p.m. Friday that a man was trying to steal a marked patrol vehicle parked on Atlantic Avenue, Sgt. Paul Aristizabal said.

Officers William Akins and Jarae Langford, who were at the Public Safety Building, saw the man trying to open the locked driver’s side door to the patrol vehicle, and confronted him, according to the report.

Jason Urbaniak admitted that he was trying to steal the vehicle, and was arrested without incident, Aristizabal said.

He was processed on attempted burglary charges and released on a summons at about 10:50 p.m., according to the report.

Urbaniak, 40, then went into the parked Police Department prisoner van, manipulated the ignition to start it and took off, Aristizabal said.

Police communications was immediately notified of the stolen van.

Officer Tyler Daily found the van minutes later in the 200 block of North Iowa Avenue.

Additional responding officers arrived on scene and pulled behind the van, when Urbaniak put it into reverse, accelerating into two marked patrol vehicles, Aristizabal said.

Officer Consuelo Maldonado suffered a minor injury as a result and was taken to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center’s City Campus, where she was treated and released.

Officers are seen in surveillance video running from their vehicles as the van heads toward them.

At least one pulled their firearm. Urbaniak was taken into custody without further incident.

The Blackwood resident is charged with two counts each of aggravated assault on police, attempted aggravated assault on police and assault by auto. He also is charged with theft of a motor vehicle, eluding and criminal attempt burglary.

Urbaniak is in the Atlantic County Justice Facility.

An investigation into how he was able to start the van is underway.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Atlantic City police at 609-347-5858. Information may also be texted anonymously to tip411 (847411), beginning the text with ACPD.

NOTE: The Atlantic County jail does not release mugshots under an order by the former prosecutor.
...w Nowym Jorku po tym jak w mieszkaniu obok doszło do eksplozji. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
NYPD officers raced to rescue an injured Bronx woman who was trapped under a couch when the house next door exploded in flames and partially collapsed Tuesday morning, body camera video released by the department showed.

The officer wearing the camera ran towards the Fox Street inferno before rushing into the home adjacent to the raging structure fire, which killed a 77-year-old woman, and might have been sparked by a gas leak, officials said.

“Somebody’s in there,” a woman on the street could be heard frantically alerting the cops, according to the footage of the 11 a.m. Longwood scene.

“Under the couch! Under the couch! Right there, she’s under the couch!” a bystander yelled as he directed police into a living room on the first floor of the three story building that had been dilapidated by the blast.

“10-6 we’re inside,” an officer radioed to the dispatcher as three cops turned over the large piece of furniture that had pinned the woman in the corner of the room.

As she moaned in agony, the officers lifted up the woman and brought her outside to safety.

“One, two, let’s go. Get her over the couch!,” an officer instructed.

The NYPD blurred the face of the injured woman in the bodycam footage, which lasted 77 seconds. She is 68 years old, and was in serious condition, according to officials.

An 82-year-old sister of the unidentified woman that was killed in the blast was in critical condition, the NYPD said. The two women were in the home when it exploded and were found laying on the ground outside by first responders. Five cops were treated for smoke inhalation and were in stable condition, according to authorities.

“When @NYPD41pct officers arrived at the massive explosion at a Bronx home, they saw flames spreading to the adjoining home rocked by the explosion,” a Tuesday evening tweet by NYPD News read. “Knowing there was a person inside, they ran in. They found a woman trapped in the debris. Our prayers are with those affected.”

In a somber news conference at the scene, Mayor Eric Adams praised the NYPD rescue effort.

“We saved lives today. Our actions saved lives,” Adams said. “When you see the [cops’] body-cam video, you’re going to see the quick response of the officers going into the building next door from the explosion, not realizing if there would be an additional explosion, but they went inside and carried out a woman who was trapped inside.

“There’s so much we need to find out about this incident. It’s an ongoing investigation to determine what happened,” he said.