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tylko dlaczego te amerykańskie więzieni są takie mało multikulturowe..?
Najlepszy komentarz (46 piw)
zdun • 2021-11-22, 11:38
Jak dla mnie to to podludzie. Od razu to utylizacji.
Według opisu to już trzecie zabójstwo od niedzieli w tej dzielnicy a ofiara była zamieszana w handel narkotykami.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Brazil~ Gangster action

MLNS, 18 years old, was cornered by 3 men who prevented his escape. While one of them holds him by his trouser, another approaches and takes at least 5 shots at the boy. Also, a 3rd party was involved, who was ahead of him, also to prevent him from running.

After killing him, the 3 assassins fled on foot. According to information received by police, the victim was involved in drug trafficking.

The homicide is the 3rd to occur in that area since last Sunday.
Siedział sobie spokojnie z żoną i nagle pojawili się niespodziewani goście.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) — Security camera video shows the moment three suspects opened fire on a Jonathan Avenue residence Tuesday, killing a 28-year-old Rockford man.

Police were called to the scene of the crime around 5:30 p.m. The victim, Louie Lee, was taken to the hospital but later died.

Surveillance video shows three masked individuals approaching the house and opening fire on the occupants inside once they open the door.

Louie’s wife, Tyshema McIntosh Lee, said of her husband, “He was a family person. He wasn’t really for this type of stuff.”

Lee said she was inside when the shooting started.

“It happened real fast. They just opened up my door and started shooting. At first, they left back out, which I thought they’d left, but then they came back in and started shooting again,” she said.

Lee says she has nothing to say to the men who killed her husband.

“I don’t want to talk to them,” she said Wednesday. “I mean, I wish it never happened, and then all the other incidents that happened the same night.”

The shooting was one of three that rattled the city’s West side on Tuesday.

Later, around 7:45 p.m., a 16-year-old was shot in an apparent drug deal. 19-year-old Tyree Isom was apprehended and charged with the crime.

Around 8:30 p.m., four people were shot in the 400 block of Independence Avenue. Two of the victims were said to have suffered serious, life-threatening injuries.

Rockford Police Chief Carla Redd said the shootings appear to be targeted and not random, and did not believe there was a threat to public safety.

“I can’t say they’re gang related, but the individuals that are involved, the individuals are known to one another,” Redd said.

Lee said she will remember her husband as the life of the party. “He was a happy person. He liked to party… He used to act like he didn’t like to party, but he liked to party.”

Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara said he is both saddened and infuriated by the recent violence.

“This is something that we, as a city, have an opportunity to say ‘what are we going to do about this?’ This is, obviously, not acceptable. We, obviously, all agree on that. So, let’s wrap our arms around this problem and work together and get to the root cause and stop this problem from existing and plaguing our community.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Rockford Police at 815-966-2900 or by leaving an anonymous tip with Rockford Area Crime Stoppers at 815-963-7867.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
swampman • 2021-10-07, 13:36
pojebani ci jehowi
Kolumbijska egzekucja
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-09-17, 20:00
Według opisu ofiara to lokalny boss znany jako ,Nono'.
Najlepszy komentarz (24 piw)
Driver19cm • 2021-09-17, 20:24
Co to kurwa za boss, skoro jezdzi na skuterku ?!
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