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Alkohol i broń...
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-14, 22:10
...to zabójcze połączenie. Panowie przekonali się o tym na własnej skórze.
Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
Incubus2 • 2021-12-14, 23:04
PanKukuruźnik82 napisał/a:

Czekałem jak łysy odpali tego trzeciego.... szkoda bo mu sie należało. byli we dwóch i zamiast po mordach mu dać to go zastrzelili... ale jak widać Opaczność czuwa i rewolwerowiec sam zastrzelił se brata/ziomka XD

Nie kolega a czwarty dołaczył z lewej strony i chudego odwalił.

nie to ze im kibicuję ale araby to jednak mają lepsze oko...
Najlepszy komentarz (57 piw)
nowynick • 2021-12-06, 9:21
Matt napisał/a:

Co sie dzieje ze tyle zabijania jest na Glownej.

Nic nietypowego tylko pomyliłeś strony, na pudelku dalej jest sympatycznie...
Policyjny pączuś w akcji...
Halman • 2021-11-28, 11:03

komentarze pozostawiam niedzielnym ekspertom...
Najlepszy komentarz (67 piw)
Kriski • 2021-11-28, 11:15
Mnie ciekawi ile razy "przypadkowo" postrzeliła kolegę?

czarnych z RPA nie trzeba było długo namawiać...

[ Komentarz dodany przez: Sunday: 2021-11-16, 11:47 ]
Najlepszy komentarz (34 piw)
janlew • 2021-11-16, 7:03
Halman napisał/a:

czarnych z RPA nie trzeba było długo namawiać...

Jak dla mnie to w chuj długo trwało namawianie. Policja z USA wpakowała by w niego 4 magazynki, gdy tylko pojawiła by się broń w jago ręku.
Ruski dostaje kulkę
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-14, 0:31
Według opisu to pracownik odwiedził swojego byłego szefa z roszczeniami finansowymi a ten wpakował mu kulkę w ramię.
Rozróba w Rosji
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-17, 22:25
Wpadli i zrobili bałagan. Według opisu postrzelony facet leży w śpiączce.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A massive brawl took place in one of the bars in Ussuriysk. At some point, a group of masked men burst into the room and perpetrated a brutal massacre. The footage captured by the surveillance camera clearly shows that a group of people purposefully moved towards a certain company.

When the scuffle began, several of the participants had pistols in their bosoms. At the end of the carnage, one of the men shot at a man who was already lying beaten on the floor of the establishment.

According to local wiretaps, the guy is in a hospital in a coma.
Nieudana próba ucieczki
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-13, 12:59
Dali mu szansę, nie skorzystał więc ołów wyjaśnił sprawę. Akcja z 6 października.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Rochester police released body-worn camera footage Tuesday afternoon that shows the deadly encounter between two officers and an armed robbery suspect at the Family Dollar store on West Main Street.

Police released 5 minutes, 33 seconds of redacted footage to the public. They said Simran Gordon, 24, was shot and killed by police after holding the store manager at gunpoint and attempting to rob the business on Oct. 6. Interim Police Chief Cynthia Herriott-Sullivan said Gordon died in an "exchange of gunfire" with police, without elaborating.

In a release accompanying the bodycam video, police said Gordon "fired at least one round from his handgun, which was recovered at the scene."

Because officers didn't know if there were other suspects in the store, they were unable to immediately render first aid to Gordon, RPD said. No one else was injured during the incident.

The state Attorney General's Office is conducting an investigation into the incident. Rochester police stated they are only permitted to "release preliminary information in these cases."

In a press conference, Herriott-Sullivan indicated Gordon is a potential suspect in three open homicides — one from 2020 and a double homicide from June of this year.

In an interview with the Democrat and Chronicle, Gordon's mother, Claudette Gordon, and older sister, Sharlene Smith, were calling for a transparent investigation. Attorney Yousef Taha confirmed the family viewed the unredacted footage Tuesday afternoon before it was released to the public. Taha also said the family has yet to view Gordon's body so that a funeral could be arranged.

This was the third fatal shooting by Rochester police officers in 2021. In addition, a fourth person died last month in an encounter with a U.S. Marshals Service task force.

The video, introduced on camera by police chief Herriott-Sullivan includes a police timeline of events, saying that a store employee calls 911, initially hangs up, and when called back reports: “We’re getting robbed. … There is a male holding the store manager at gunpoint.” That is at 9:33 p.m.. according to police.

Officers are dispatched a minute later with a suspect description of a man in a blue hoodie with a mask on his face.

Officers arrive at 9:35.

The video blurs the other people in the store. Individual officers can typically be identified by the digital stamp/information at the bottom right corner of the video, but that identifying information has also been blurred out.

An officer asks if anyone has a gun, and quickly focuses on a man in a blue hoodie behind the counter, (his face on the video is blurred) standing with both hands in his hoodie pocket with another individual whose full image is blurred.

When told at gunpoint to remove his hands from his pockets, the man says something inaudible.

Within a second or two he runs past the other person to an aisle at the far end of the store. The officer tries to grab the man’s arm but he slips free.

The video then records a series of shots.

In the video, the police video states that the man fired once in the direction of the officer.

Three quick shots, then a fourth, a pause and a fifth shot sounds when the man is on the ground.

Another officer one aisle over then sees the man laying at a gap in the aisle. His head is visible and a brown paper bag with a hole in it. The accompanying police description on the video says that the muzzle of a weapon is visible.

As the firing officer backs away, the second officer kicks the bag away and radios for an ambulance. The man is heard in physical distress, groaning.
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