Prawdopodobna przyczyna to słuchawki w uszach.
Wojna na Ukrainie
- ostatnia aktualizacja:
Wczoraj 18:08
Konflikt izrealsko-arabski
- ostatnia aktualizacja:
Dzisiaj 5:23
Peruwiański kierownik kompletnie nie zapanował nad swoim pojazdem.
Według źródła zostali przejechani przez swoją niedoszłą ofiarę.
Taki mały protest w Tel Awiwie i jeden z kierowców stracił cierpliwość.
Najlepszy komentarz (38 piw)
• 2023-09-14, 20:37
Jak już się w nich wpierdolil to mogl jechac dalej. Glupi zyd
Brak zahamowań z strony kierowcy Tira na widok Pizdzielców
W Brazylii nie pytasz o co chodzi - w Brazylii działasz albo kończysz marnie. Ten kierowca nie zamierzał czekać na rozwój sytuacji i wziął sprawy w swoje ręce.
Opis mówi o 3 ofiarach więc piszę ,,potrójne".
...rozjechani w Izatapala w Meksyku. Źródło.
Po samym tytule już zapewne wiecie czego się spodziewać.
Najlepszy komentarz (36 piw)
• 2022-01-08, 13:16
Kurwa i po co ten zamazany obraz. Ale czuję teraz kurwa niedosyt
Policjanci z Meksyku rozpędzają demonstrantów.
Kod: Michoacan state Public Safety Secretary Israel Patrón said students from a local teachers’ college blocked a road and then attacked officers using fireworks, stones and sticks. Police tried to stop them and a confrontation ensued, he said.
Video images posted on the college's social media page showed a chaotic scene in which detonations can be heard and clouds of smoke or gas are seen.
Dozens of protesters are running in the road when a bus with blue-and-white state police markings appears, makes a sudden U-turn and knocks over a protester before escaping.
Patrón said that was not “an intentional attack” by police. “It was done by the bus driver while he was engaged in a struggle with two students who were trying to take over the bus,” he said.
The official said one student suffered an injury to his leg, was treated and released.
The rural teachers' college in the Michoacan town of Tiripetío trains mainly working class youths to be teachers in remote communities.
While the school is government funded, students complain of a chronic lack of resources. The school promotes a leftist ideology and its students have frequently clashed with police in the past, and have often seized private trucks and buses to enforce their demands.
Kod: Michoacan state Public Safety Secretary Israel Patrón said students from a local teachers’ college blocked a road and then attacked officers using fireworks, stones and sticks. Police tried to stop them and a confrontation ensued, he said.
Video images posted on the college's social media page showed a chaotic scene in which detonations can be heard and clouds of smoke or gas are seen.
Dozens of protesters are running in the road when a bus with blue-and-white state police markings appears, makes a sudden U-turn and knocks over a protester before escaping.
Patrón said that was not “an intentional attack” by police. “It was done by the bus driver while he was engaged in a struggle with two students who were trying to take over the bus,” he said.
The official said one student suffered an injury to his leg, was treated and released.
The rural teachers' college in the Michoacan town of Tiripetío trains mainly working class youths to be teachers in remote communities.
While the school is government funded, students complain of a chronic lack of resources. The school promotes a leftist ideology and its students have frequently clashed with police in the past, and have often seized private trucks and buses to enforce their demands.
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