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Kolejny świrus spacyfikowany przez policję. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Los Angeles, California — On September 4, 2023, at 1:11 p.m., East Los Angeles Station deputies responded to a business in the 300 block of South Atlantic Boulevard in unincorporated Los Angeles, regarding a call of a person with a gun. Information in the call indicated a male entered the gas station and took several items. He removed a handgun from his backpack and held it down to his side as he fled the location. The male was later identified as 32-year-old Eduardo Villasenor of Commerce. Deputies located and contacted Villasenor walking in the 400 block of South Atlantic Boulevard and ordered him to stop.

Villasenor did not comply and a deputy-involved shooting occurred. Villasenor was struck by gunfire, dropped the handgun, and fell to the ground. Deputies rendered first aid until the arrival of the Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedics. Villasenor was transported to a local hospital where he was listed in stable condition. A loaded semiautomatic handgun was recovered at the scene. It was later determined Villasenor committed an armed robbery at the business. Following the robbery, Villasenor fled the scene and pointed his handgun at a male approximately one block west of the gas station. There were no other persons injured in the incident.
Świrus z nożem
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-10-07, 8:23
Według źródła chwilę wcześniej zaatakował własnego ojca. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Hacienda Heights, California — On September 4, 2023, at 5:34 a.m., Industry Station deputies responded to a residence in the 16700 block of Dawn Haven Road in unincorporated Hacienda Heights, regarding a call of a person who had committed an assault with a knife. Information in the call indicated a male had stabbed his father. The male was later identified as 42-year-old Robert Boozer of St. George, Utah. Upon arrival, deputies located Boozer on the front porch of a neighboring residence. Boozer was holding a large knife in one of his hands.

The deputies gave Boozer numerous commands to drop the knife. Boozer ignored the deputies’ commands and charged at them while holding the knife, at which point a deputy-involved shooting occurred. Boozer was struck by gunfire, dropped the knife, and fell to the ground. Deputies rendered first aid until the arrival of the Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedics who pronounced Boozer dead at the scene. The stabbing victim, Boozer's father, sustained multiple stab wounds to his torso and was pronounced dead at the scene. A knife, with an approximate nine-inch blade, was recovered at the scene.

Ale już nie będzie, bo nie żyje.San Antonio, Texas
Najlepszy komentarz (48 piw)
Cupracabra • 2023-09-24, 4:32
psyhepl napisał/a:

o co chodzi z tym napierdalaniem ? rozumie 3-4 kulki ale oni po kilkanascie.....

W USA jest tyle morderstw, przestępstw ze użyciem broni, że lepiej władować 200 pocisków i pozbyć się parcha, zwykłego wrzoda ze społeczeństwa, niż go hospitalizować i liczyć na resocjalizację, której nie ma.. by to koniec końców taki odpad kogoś niewinnego zabił, wraz z czym mieliby cierpieć na tym niewinni (rodzina). Dziękuję, że mogłem Ci to wyjaśnić. I dodam, iż mam wielce empatię (nie nadmiernie skrajną) do ludzi i zwierząt, niemniej odpady to odpady i należy się takowych pozbywać. (Nazywa się to utylizacja)
Według źródła napastnik zmarł w szpitalu. Źródło.

ukryta treść
RENO, Nev. A suspect is dead after he was shot and killed by police in Reno early Labor Day morning. Officers with the Reno Police Department responded to the 2600 block of Yori Ave. just after midnight on the report of a stabbing. When police arrived on scene, they found the armed suspect and ultimately ended up shooting him. Authorities did not release any details about what led up to the shooting. Authorities said the man was rushed to the hospital where he later died. No officers were hurt during the incident.
Ruski sklepik ...
~McSadol • 2023-09-06, 20:34
i cyk kolejny poborowy ma szansę na froncie ...

Najlepszy komentarz (32 piw)
Pieszczoch25 • 2023-09-06, 21:35
To są te puste półki w ruskim sklepie po europejskich sankcjach o których tak pierdolą w mediach .
Ruska babuszka
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-06, 14:14
Tyle lat na tym świecie i nie słyszała o martwym polu ciężarówek.