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Według źródła oburzona mamusia wrzuciła do sieci nagranie na którym widać jak policjant napierdala jej ,,niewinną" córeczkę.

ukryta treść
The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) responded to public criticism after video showing a deputy punching a girl as she lay on the ground after a traffic stop appeared on social media earlier this week. Phone video shot by a bystander captures the deputy striking the girl as the person taking the video screams in shock. The Facebook post of the video is captioned “A friend asked me to post her 17 yo daughter getting hands put on her by Milwaukee county sheriff department yesterday.” A few seconds into the video, another deputy steps forward, obstructing the view of the struggle.
Zatrzymanie kaskiem
braker-braker • 2023-10-28, 9:06
Trujillo, Peru. Policja blokuje nielegalne wyscigi na prostej ulicy.
Jeden z mundurowych wpada na pomysl zatrzymania kaskiem.
Motopipy(on 23, ona 18) oboje przezyly.
Policjant uciekl.
(pierwsza wrzuta, sory jak spierdolilem.)

Dobre bo polskie.

ukryta treść
W miniony wtorek po godzinie 23.00 na ul. Obwodowej w Kościerzynie funkcjonariusze z grupy Speed z Komendy Powiatowej Policji w Kościerzynie jadąc radiowozem z wideorejestratorem, próbowali zatrzymać do kontroli kierującego samochodem marki Fiat Stilo, który przekroczył prędkość. Kierowca na widok mundurowych gwałtownie przyspieszył i zaczął uciekać. Policjanci poinformowali o tym dyżurnego i rozpoczęli pościg za oddalającym się pojazdem. Po około 10 km policjanci zatrzymali 33-letniego mieszkańca powiatu kościerskiego.
Wykonywanie prostych poleceń nie leży w ich naturze. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Marion County, Florida — On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at approximately 7:15 p.m., an MCSO deputy conducted a traffic stop on a dirt bike near the intersection of SE Maricamp Road and Emerald Road. The driver, later identified as 26-year-old Rasheem Edwards, could not produce a valid form of ID. During the traffic stop, Edwards fled on foot toward a field where a youth sports practice was being held. The deputy gave chase and, after running a short distance, Edwards pulled out a firearm he was carrying on his hip. Edwards then fumbled the firearm, causing it to fall to the ground.

Edwards immediately reached down and picked up the firearm, at which time he was shot by the pursuing deputy. Edwards was transported to a local hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries. FDLE is investigating the shooting. The deputy is on paid administrative leave, as is standard practice. Edwards was a convicted felon, having been convicted of Attempted Burglary in New York, and it was illegal for him to possess this firearm. The deputy, who as the victim of a criminal offense has invoked the protection of Marsy’s Law, is not being identified at this time.
~Velture • 2023-10-25, 14:37
I dobrze kurwa, ma boleć!

Austria, kraina kangurów.

Najlepszy komentarz (27 piw)
~Velture • 2023-10-25, 15:07
Senpai11 napisał/a:

austria to nie kraina kangurow ....

Kuba12 napisał/a:

Chyba Australia xD

Trolling is a art.