Spotykaję się dwie modelki w Dubaju, jedna pyta drugiej, za ile ta torebka?
- za parę klocków.
- za parę klocków.
Norwegian women reported rape in Dubai: - Convicted of sex outside marriage
A Norwegian woman has been sentenced to imprisonment for one year and four months in Dubai after she reported a rape.
- The woman reported a rape to the police in Dubai, but was not thought of this. We have been told that she herself was instead sentenced to one year and four months. The judicial system here has obviously taken the information she has given them and meant that she is guilty of anything, says Gisle Meling, a priest in the Seamen's Church in Dubai.
ta jedziesz do dubaju za okolo 10 tys zlotych za dobe zeby poogladac jak frajer jezdzi na motorku kupionym za naszą rope? to ja wole juz zwalic konia niz doplacac tym arabom